Introduction & Cast I

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Red threads of fate tangle on, and Owen Strand finds himself heading the department that has now added two more of Chicago's finest to its ranks. With Ladder 126 under the command of Matt Casey and Tommy Vega and Squad 9 in the capable hands of Kelly Severide and Sylvie Brett, Owen readies for the task of taking the helm of the Austin Fire Department as Deputy Chief.

In Chicago, Greg Grainger and Jason Pelham have quite the shoes to fill, and with one of their best friends now running the department's paramedics, they now find themselves at the heart of 51's most intense calls, some of which bring them into alliance with Wendy Seager. Taking over positions held by Casey and Severide is no easy feat.

And in New York, the fallout of the sniper attack in Los Angeles brings a new player into the field on Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler's side: Executive Assistant District Attorney Nolan Price, the charismatic and dangerous handpicked, righthand man of Jack McCoy and brother of Sylvie. With Nolan comes the Manhattan North Homicide Squad, and some of New York's worst are destined to learn of the consequences that come with challenging New York's finest.



Universal Regulars

"I took this job to shape the AFD into the best version of itself. That doesn't mean being on everyone's good sides."

Rob Lowe as Deputy Chief Owen Strand, Austin Fire Department

Rob Lowe as Deputy Chief Owen Strand, Austin Fire Department

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"Oh please, don't tempt my fate. Trouble, don't you come my way."


"You already did this once. How . . . how the hell did you get through it?"

Ronen Rubinstein as Firefighter TK Strand, Squad Company 9, Austin 126

Ronen Rubinstein as Firefighter TK Strand, Squad Company 9, Austin 126

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"Oh, Lord, don't let me stray. Trouble, don't you come my way."


Trouble Don't (File Two of The First Responders Files)Where stories live. Discover now