Chapter Seventeen

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I did not expect this to be as long as it ended up because I had no clue I had so much to write for this Lone Star episode, but hey - you guys get 15.5K words out of it. Happy October, y'all - enjoy!

Matt and Kelly fall into a red vs. blue rivalry, Frank hates social media, Owen tries to fix a problem that has already been solves, Frank hates social media, the 126 go to the ballpark, Frank really hates social media, a few cops get high, and Nolan wonders why he's happy his sister helped get him this job. Did I mention Frank hates social media?

Enjoy "Red vs. Blue" and the first part of "Filtered Life!"


Sylvie sighed sadly as she looked over the bridge and down at the limp form lying on the grate under the highway sign, blood staining the white and green paint. "I hate it when shifts start out this way."

Kelly shook his head in agreement. "Makes me want to bundle up the boys."

Down on the highway below them, Matt and Tommy shielded their eyes as they took in the scene. "According to witnesses, the sports car was doing in excess of 120 and lost control," Carlos explained to them, gesturing to the smoking wreckage of the car. "It's a miracle no one else got hurt."

"He was ejected?" Matt guessed.

"Yeah," Carlos nodded. "Carjacker on a joyride."

"I think our carjacker would disagree on the 'joy' part," Matt sighed as he clicked on his radio. "Squad? Report."

"Just from my initial look up here, I don't see any sign of life," Sylvie answered.

Matt winced. "Check him anyway," he ordered. "Sev, can your guys get to him from up there?"

Kelly surveyed the bridge, then he shrugged. "I think it'd be better to run a ladder from down there."

"Copy that," Matt nodded. He watched a news van pull up onto the bridge, and he held in a groan of annoyance. "Before you come down, find a way to cover him up. No parents should have to see their child on the evening news like this."

Kelly nodded in agreement. "You got it."

"Ryder, Strickland, let's get that ladder ready," Matt ordered. "Chavez, on guide wires." He looked at Tommy. "Ready with the escort?"

"We'll be prepped and ready with the gurney," Tommy promised.

Matt nodded and rubbed his hands together, then he did a double take when he heard the chirp of sirens from behind him. Carlos's exasperated groan made him turn. "Oh, great," Carlos groused, watching an officer on a bike maneuver through the back-up of cars. "O'Brien."

Matt raised an eyebrow. "He got a problem with you?" Nancy asked, narrowing her eyes as she sized up the incoming officer.

"Me?" Carlos snorted. "No. Pretty sure he doesn't even know who I am." Matt nodded for him to continue, and Carlos shuffled on his feet. "He, uh . . . he's not a big fan of firefighters."

Matt folded his arms and sized up the incoming officer. "I guess we got spoiled by the NYPD," he said dryly, making Nancy and Mateo snicker.

The bike stopped in front of all the other first responder vehicles, and when he took off his sunglasses, he had a disgruntled look on his face. "Who's in charge?" he barked.

"That would be me," Matt answered, walking forward to meet him. "How can I help you, officer?"

"Sergeant," the man corrected. "O'Brien."

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