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I swear, they're not usually this gossip-y. It's just . . . it's the Lone Star fam they're talking about here. When isn't there gossip?


Fuego Amigos

Fire Squaddie: It has occurred to me that we can't use "when hell freezes over" anymore

Fire Cop: Why not?

Fire Medic: Check the news

Fire Medic: It's breaking all over the place

Fire Cop: Why is it always Austin

Fire Squaddie: Better question

Fire Squaddie: Why is it always Casey and Severide

Fire Medic: And Brett

Fire Squaddie: Yes and Brett

Fire Cop: I thought based on everyone's thoughts it's also Buck and TK . . .

Fire Medic: Both Strands

Fire Squaddie: And where Brett goes

Fire Squaddie: Diaz is right behind her

Fire Cop: Which brings us back to my question

Fire Squaddie: . . .

Fire Squaddie: Yeah yours was better

Fire Medic: Of all the times for Casey and Severide to get down there

Fire Squaddie: And isn't Casey still floating?

Fire Medic: Last I heard

Fire Cop: What the hell takes so long for them to rebuild a firehouse?

Fire Squaddie: Money

Fire Medic: Scheduling conflicts

Fire Squaddie: An ice storm probably doesn't help either

Fire Squaddie: At least Severide's still with Buck and TK

Fire Squaddie: Anyone know where Marwani ended up?

Fire Medic: Back with Ryder and Strickland, I think

Fire Medic: Chavez had to go back to the 129

Fire Squaddie: Good God

Fire Cop: Pretend I never had a running chat with Casey and Severide at that time

Fire Cop: What's wrong with the 129

Fire Squaddie: They essentially turned Chavez into Cinderella pre-fairy godmother

Fire Cop: Bastards

Fire Medic: Casey's been checking in on him though

Fire Medic: Apparently he made quite an impression on the captain

Fire Cop: Casey or the 129's captain?

Trouble Don't (File Two of The First Responders Files)Where stories live. Discover now