Chapter Eight

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Well, I lied, guys. Turns out I don't wrap up most of the storylines here . . . so much original content that I couldn't do it all here. You're already getting 15.3K words, I wanted to get something out.

Nolan faces an uphill battle, Frank puts his detective skills to work, Nicole's verdict comes in, Greg and Jason learn to ask questions when you find a dead cat in the remnants of a fire, and while Sylvie gets interrogated over pizza with a bunch of kids, Nolan gets interrogated over alcohol at Forlini's. It's OK, they both agreed to it . . . Sylvie just didn't agree to a FaceTime that pushes her over the edge and pushes a group of people to act.


Sylvie looked around at the protesters gathered in front of the courthouse with wide eyes, and Nolan stepped closer to her side, hand moving to the small of her back. "Just keep walking," he murmured as he nodded to the guards.

"Have they been here the entire time?" Sylvie asked as she hurried up the steps, Nolan easily keeping up with her.

"Ever since the arraignment," Nolan confirmed. "You sure you want to sit in today?"

"For at least a little while," Sylvie nodded as they walked through the doors. "I should at least call to check in on Austin, but I couldn't come here and not see my brother in action, right?"

Nolan grimaced. "This isn't a pretty trial, Sylvie."

"You're a homicide prosecutor, Nolan," Sylvie deadpanned. "Do you ever get a 'pretty trial?'"

Laughter bubbled from the woman waiting for them, and the siblings looked to see Sam trying to cover her mouth to stop laughing. "I'm sorry," she giggled. "But she's right. None of the trials that are worth your time are ever 'pretty.'"

Nolan sighed. "If those coffees are for us, Sam, I'll forgive the early morning sass."

"Peter said you two had similar tastes," Sam nodded, still smiling widely as she held out the cardboard tray she held. "So I got two of Nolan's favorite."

"Nolan and I have practically the same taste," Sylvie grinned as she took one of the coffees. "Thank you."

"We didn't really get to meet yesterday," Sam tucked the cardboard under her arm and extended her hand. "Samantha Maroun."

"But you prefer Sam, right?" Sylvie asked.

Sam beamed. "That's right."

"Sylvie Brett," the paramedic introduced herself and shook Sam's hand. "Good to finally meet you."

"Same," Sam nodded. "We were all relieved to hear everyone made it through the ice storms in one piece."

"Thankfully," Sylvie sighed as she took a sip of her coffee. "And hopefully that is now all in the dust."

Nolan snorted. "With the dust storm?"

Sylvie glowered at him. "Shut up."

Nolan smirked, which earned him a sharp elbow to the side. "Alright, what have we got today?" he asked Sam as the trio headed for the prosecutors' offices. "And please don't gloat about the confession snafu. I'm not interested."

"No gloating here, I promise," Sam shook her head. "While you were out, Peter and I got word from the defense. Nicole is claiming self-defense."

"Self-defense?" Nolan repeated.

"Gets better, too. King's wife was just added to the witness list. She's going to testify that she actually saw King attack Nicole right before the shooting."

Trouble Don't (File Two of The First Responders Files)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora