Chapter Eighteen

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This episode included flashbacks, which I didn't write, and this still ended up being 10+K words with just this episode and original content. I am feeling pumped.

Owen and TK plan to take a flight that really doesn't go to plan, and in New York, family shows up for each other.

Enjoy "In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency!"


Olivia stared down into the scotch she had in her hand, and she finally tossed back the rest of the drink, relishing the burn as the alcohol went down her throat. "Another?" the bartender asked, giving her a wary look as he reached for her glass.

"Hell, yes," Olivia muttered, running a hand through her already disheveled hair. As the bartender whisked her glass away to give her a new drink, she heard the stools screech on either side of her, and she sighed. "Drinks on me?" she suggested.

"I won't say no to that," Fin nodded.

"Should we see who wants to be the designated driver?" Amanda asked sullenly, her fingers tapping the bar.

"Might as well be me," Peter looked around at the group. "Or at least I can be the designated cab caller for some of you." He paused when he saw the people coming through the door. "Or maybe they'll handle it."

Olivia, Elliot, and Fin turned to see who he meant, and Sonny couldn't help but chuckle. "Word travels fast."

"It does when it reaches the right people," Jack nodded, looking over everyone in concern. "How long have you been here?"

"Just got here ahead of you," Elliot answered. "But I think Liv got a head start."

Olivia snorted and took the drink handed to her. "I was the one who called Owen to tell him of Gwyn's death. He dropped his phone when he heard the news. I worried he fainted before Casey got on the line."

"Damn," Frank sighed heavily.

"What exactly happened?" Jet asked in concern as Nolan spoke quietly to another one of the bartenders. "All we heard is that it was . . . well, it was quick."

"Hey," Nolan returned to the group. "They're giving us one of the back rooms to talk. I figured we might be here for a while."

"Well, not too long," Elliot shook his head. "We should be at the funeral home by 3:00 tomorrow."

"So soon?" Kate blinked as the group moved to one of the back rooms.

"It's Jewish tradition," Amanda explained. "Burial takes place within 24 hours."

"Can the Strands make it back in that amount of time?" Ayanna asked with a frown. "We know that isn't a short flight."

"Can they even get tickets that quickly?" Kevin added.

"That's what Casey and Severide are working on, as well as making arrangements at the 126 for TK," Olivia sighed as she dropped into one of the chairs and stared down at the floor. She laughed abruptly and shook her head. "I'm sorry, it's just . . . I can't believe Gwyn is dead."

"A bunch of us never met her," Nolan said as he sat across from her. That seemed to be the cue for the rest of the New Yorkers to claim chairs of their own. "Sylvie's been at the 126 for over a year, and she doesn't know much about her, either."

"She wouldn't," Olivia shook her head. "Gwyn flew down to Austin in the aftermath of TK's shooting, but she left after he recovered. She didn't return again."

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