Chapter Fifteen

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Owen continues to be full of surprises, Sylvie despairs in the group chats, and while Frank is investigating a homicide, he . . . really should have expected that somehow he would still be the only sane one in the Disaster Family. Yes, he's including Nolan in that.

This is chat-heavy, but I wasn't too into this Lone Star episode, so a bit is covered in there. The rest . . . well, I also need comedy in my life at the moment. This was my answer.

Enjoy "The ATX-Files" and the law part of "Impossible Dream" with a new character's bio at the end!


"You know, Frank," Kevin looked at Frank as they left their cruiser and walked through Central Park. "If I'd heard a few weeks ago that you'd be using your phone more than I've ever seen you in two months, I'd have thought they were going crazy."

"Yeah, well, the 126 undersold how batshit crazy they are," Frank snorted as he slipped his phone back into his coat. "I think the teams keep trying to compete for 'most ridiculous scene.'"

"Ah," Kevin smothered a grin. "Who's winning?"

Frank snorted. "Last I heard, some dumb kid got wrapped in barbed-wire fence while running from what his girlfriend said were 'blue glowy creatures.' That was all hands on deck."

Kevin barked in laughter. "Austin is crazy."

"Yeah," Frank sighed, unable to keep a smile off his face. "And yet now we're all wrapped up in them."

"Eh, could be worse," Kevin shrugged. "I heard something about there being bad blood between the 126 and one of the firehouses out in Los Angeles."

Frank's eyebrows rose. "You don't say?"

Kevin shrugged. "That's the impression I got from Sergeant Tutuola and . . . I think I heard it from Gillian." He shook his head, eyes sharpening once they reached the edge of the crime scene. "What have we got?"

"DOA took two to the chest," the crime scene unit officer answered as they ducked under the crime scene tape at Central Park. "Found two discharged shell casings over here. No ID, no wallet, no phone."

Kevin tilted his head and looked down at the man lying on the ground. "Looks like a robbery," he remarked. "White guy walking through the park."

"Just like the old days, right?" Frank asked. "What's the saying? 'History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes?'"

"Mark Twain," Kevin nodded, bending down to check the body. Frank directed his flashlight beam where Kevin was searching, and his partner plucked a pen from the man's suit pocket. "'Hythena, working hard to keep you alive,'" Kevin read the words on the pen.

Frank clicked his tongue. "Not hard enough."


It didn't take long for the pair of detectives to find a good starting place on the murder, and Nina Ellis closed the door to her penthouse behind them. "We're sorry to bother you, Ms. Ellis," Kevin told the redhead in designer clothes.

"What's going on?" Nina folded her arms, looking between them. "Did something happen?"

"We're investigating a homicide," Frank answered.

"A homicide?" Nina repeated incredulously. "What's that got to do with me?"

"We found a pen in a victim's jacket with your company's name on it," Frank answered as Kevin held up his phone. "We did some googling, and he's one of your partners."

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