Chapter Ten

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Can anyone say "mentally exhausted?" Geez, these past three weeks have been ridiculous . . . it's the curse of the intern rotation, I swear. Can I get some cheering up in the form of comments? Pretty please?

The Dardens meet Austin, Nolan meets the teenager who will round out Team Dumbass 2.0 (she's the dumbass who keeps the other two in line), the New Yorkers head to Austin, Lily Cosgrove is a national treasure (fight me on this, I dare you because look at that gif), and just how many times can I talk about "found family" in a single chapter? Seriously, how many times, because I think this is a record.



"So be honest," Matt snorted as he gestured Griffin into Owen's car before him. "How bloody of a fight was it to determine who would pick us up from the airport?"

"Uh, well, put it this way," Owen chuckled as he checked out his window; TK gave him a thumbs-up from his car with Sylvie riding passenger and Kelly and Ben in the back. "There were others who were hoping to draw the short-straw and not crowd at your home."

"What's that mean?" Griffin blinked in surprise.

Owen grinned in the rearview at him as he pulled away from the airport. "Well, those three left their home without expecting to come back with two new residents. The rest of the house is making sure the place is stocked . . . besides, you probably needed any expired food out of the house."

"Oh, geez," Matt wrinkled his nose. "Yeah . . . thanks, Owen."

"No problem," Owen nodded, pausing in a line of traffic to look at Griffin in the rearview. "Ever since Matt and Kelly told us you and your brother would be coming back with them, we've been looking forward to meeting you," he said with a smile. "With the late hour, everyone pitched in to give you a welcome home potluck, but if you're not comfortable with that idea, I can make a call and ask them to leave."

Griffin looked at Matt. "These are the same people who pitched in on the letters?"

"Everyone from the 126 wrote one, and so did significant others," Owen nodded. "It's over a dozen."

Griffin considered. "Can we look around before we meet everyone?" he asked Matt. "I definitely want to meet them, but I want to see the house first."

"Of course," Matt nodded in agreement. "We were planning on showing you around first thing, anyway."

Owen was already dialing on his phone, and the thick Texan drawl of Matt's 2IC filled the car. "What's up, Owen?"

"Hey, Judd, TK and I got 'em," Owen told him, placing his phone on his lap. "Matt, Kelly, and Sylvie are gonna give the boys a tour of the place when we get there, so can you make sure everyone is out in the yard while that happens? Give the boys a chance to settle before they meet everyone?"

"Absolutely," Judd answered at once. "I'll herd everyone out back once you arrive. Either let me know when to bring everyone in or we'll see everyone when they come outside."

"Thanks, Judd," Matt called. "And thank everyone else for us, too."

"You're welcome, Cap," Judd laughed. "Hey, we'll see you soon, alright? Welcome home, man. And if you've got one or both of the boys in there, too, welcome to Austin."

"Thank you," Griffin smiled shyly.

"That's Griffin," Matt added.

"Welcome to Austin, Griffin. We're looking forward to meeting you and your brother. Drive safe, Owen."

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