Chapter Nineteen

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14.5K words, people. Apparently this is what happens when I learn a handful of my favorites are either leaving before the next season begins (Cosgrove) or during the season (Brett, Gallo, and Upton). Happy holiday season!

Nolan faces an impossible choice when prosecuting Garrett, Frank learns he's been left out of a very important loop, Firehouse 126 receives a surprise but very welcome visitor, and a call gone wrong in Chicago leads to an outcome that shakes a quartet of officers (quintet counting Boden) to their core. By the end of the chapter, take a guess who I think of when I play the soundtrack attached to this part.

Enjoy the end of "Filtered Life" and "Fog of War!"


"Truck 81. Squad 3. Ambulance 61."


"Oh, man," Mouch winced as they pulled up to the street corner.

Greg nodded in agreement and jumped from his seat to survey the damage. What appeared to be a vehicle for a storage center had driven right into one of the power poles, and in addition to smoke pouring from the hood, wires were writhing like snakes and spitting sparks. "Stay back from the live wires," he warned as he turned on his radio. "81 to Main, we have a pin-in accident and downed power lines. We need the power company to respond to this location."

"Truck 81, power company en route," Main answered as Squad 3 pulled up. "ETA 15 minutes."

Greg pursed his lips as he thought. "Copy that," he finally said, and he turned to Mouch and Gallo. "We're not waiting. Grab your rope bags, let's corral these lines."

"On it!" Gallo nodded and returned to the truck.

Greg turned to Jason as the man jogged up. "Squad, get ready to extricate when I give the all-clear," he ordered, watching another rig pull up in his peripheral vision.

"Copy that," Jason agreed, turning to his crew. "Squad standby, jaws and cutters."

"Copy that," Cruz nodded.

Greg turned to the lieutenant of Engine 37 as he arrived. "Lieutenant Lester," he introduced himself. "You guys need a hand?"

"Yeah, we'll take the help," Greg nodded. "Charge a line to cover the driver. Let's standby with a couple of extinguishers in case that truck's leaking fuel."

Lester nodded in agreement and turned to his crew. "McBride, charge a crosslay," he ordered.

"Right away, Lieutenant!" she ran back to the engine.

"Burton, Ortega, stand by with extinguishers!"

"Here we go, Lieutenant!" Gallo ran back with Mouch, the two of them with rope bags.

"Great," Greg grabbed the bag tossed to him. "Let's get to work!"

Jason tapped his booted foot, watching with eagle eyes as the crew of Truck 81 tossed ropes back and forth to secure the wires spraying sparks to and fro. "This is a deathtrap waiting to happen," Cruz muttered quietly.

"No kidding," Jason muttered in agreement.

"Secure!" Mouch called.

"Good," Greg backed away. "Squad 3, move in!"

"Copy that!" Jason nodded, waving Cruz forward.

Cruz jammed his Halligan into the driver's door to begin to pry it open, and once it was cracked, he nodded to Jason. "All yours, Lieutenant."

Trouble Don't (File Two of The First Responders Files)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt