Chapter Two

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While everyone starts to go insane in New York, things in Austin become more insane. Judd, Marjan, and Paul rush to save a bonding Paul and Lindsey, the squad team reunites for a call that goes downhill way too fast, Owen's patient doesn't stay put for long, and Matt . . . well, he frees himself eventually.


A knock on her door made Olivia Benson look up from her paperwork, and she frowned as she took off her readers. "Come in!"

The door opened, and her loyal 2IC poked his head into her office. "Detective Stabler and ADA Price, Captain," Fin Tutuola reported.

Olivia blinked. "Let 'em in."

Fin nodded and stepped back, holding the door open as he did. Elliot Stabler swept into the room with Nolan Price on his heels, both men with similar worry on their faces. "Anything I can help with?" Fin asked in concern, looking between the two men.

"No, I don't think so, Fin," Elliot shook his head. "Thank you, though."

"No problem," Fin nodded. "We're right outside if you need us."

The door shut behind him, and Olivia looked between the pair. "What's happened?"

"We're in the dark," Nolan shrugged as he sat, unbuttoning his suit jacket as he did. "The last messages I got from Austin were the ones discussing Owen's new motivational quote."

Elliot snorted. "I used that one on Ayanna and Jet earlier."

Olivia smirked. "And how did that go?"

"Jet looked at me like I had a few screws loose. Ayanna rolled her eyes."

Nolan snickered. "Maybe we should save that for when we get hit."

"Probably a good idea," Elliot agreed.

Olivia nodded, sighing heavily and looking at her phone. "So we're out of touch with Austin now?"

"I think so," Nolan nodded. "I've tried getting ahold of Sylvie, just to see how everything's going, and everything says sent, but not read."

"Damn it," Olivia seethed, rubbing her forehead. "We're not gonna know anything until the storm blows over."

"Owen, Tyler, and Sylvie all transferred from cities with lots of snow experience," Elliot reminded her. "And so did Casey and Severide. They'll make it through this just fine."

"It's not them I'm worried about," Olivia shook her head. "The further south the States go, the worse they handle any kind of snowfall."

"And Texas is getting slammed," Nolan agreed. "They're five people out of . . . how many live in Austin?"

"A lot," Olivia deadpanned.

Elliot groaned and leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling. "I hate this."

Nolan snorted. "We're all gonna be splitting a bottle of really good alcohol tonight, aren't we?"

Olivia gave a dry smile as she checked her calendar. "I'm in for that."

"Yeah," Elliot sighed. "Me, too."

"Great," Nolan nodded as he stood. "That's more motivation for me to wrap up this case."

Elliot grinned. "Cosgrove being a pain in the ass?"

Nolan rolled his eyes as he opened the door to Olivia's office. "Who thought partnering him with Bernard was a good idea?" he griped as he left.

Trouble Don't (File Two of The First Responders Files)Where stories live. Discover now