Chapter Seven

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Hawkins' paramedicine plan gets off the ground, Sylvie learns what's going on in Portland, Nolan enters court with a plan, Frank spectacularly blows up said plan, it's probably a really good thing they're interrupted before the knives come out, and Jack hogs the braincells when he and two police officers learn what's been happening.

Because there was way too much content to cover, here's the first parts of the order portion of "The Right Thing" and "Two Hundred!"


Nolan had known when he had accepted Jack's offer on the spot to become his Executive Assistant District Attorney, he would be diving headfirst into God only knew what kind of politics. In his first few months alone, he had learned every fine line to the point he could now look at any case and find the smallest detail that could be used to whip people into a frenzy because of some political aspect.

As he and Sam approached the courthouse for the arraignment of Nicole Bell and found security guards holding back a crowd, all of them shouting "Let her go!", he knew this was going to be one political whirlwind that would have them wishing for an easy open-and-closed case for at least the next month. He gestured Sam ahead of him and kept his voice low as they passed the protesters. "Let me handle the arraignment."

Sam merely nodded, her eyes darting around the protesters as she hurried up the steps, Nolan's long stride easily allowing him to keep up with her. They filed into the courtroom together, Nicole's fearful eyes watching them from where she stood with her attorney. Nolan found the file needed, and he handed it over the security guard when he approached. "Docket number 373-988, People v. Nicole S. Bell," the guard announced as he brought the file to the judge. "Murder in the second degree."

"How does the defendant plead?" the judge asked, peering down his nose at Nicole.

"Not guilty, Your Honor," Keller answered for Nicole.

The judge turned to Nolan expectantly. "Mr. Price, bail?"

"The defendant has no priors and is not a flight risk," Nolan answered. "As such, we request bail be set at $200,000."

Keller blinked, but she had a pleased smile on her face. "Defense has no objection."

"Well, I do," the judge shook his head. "This is a murder case. Bail is set at one million dollars."

The sound of his gavel almost drowned out the outraged cries from the rows behind them. Sam winced as the shouts rang loudly in the small room, and Nolan sighed as he packed up his briefcase. This was not going to be a fun trial.


"Keller filed a motion to suppress Nicole Bell's confession," Sam walked into his office later, holding out the paperwork with the motion.

Nolan took the paperwork and absently flipped through the pages. "On what basis?" he asked, already able to guess.

"Defendant wasn't properly Mirandized," Sam listed as she approached the door to leave. "Confession wasn't knowing and voluntary. Police used improper and coercive tactics."

That last one was new, and Nolan paused in his actions. "Did they?" he asked.

Sam turned on her heel and stood in the doorway. "Did they what?"

"Use improper techniques?"

Sam frowned. "No," she shook her head. "I watched the interrogation."

Nolan folded his arms and frowned as he thought back to the report they had gotten from the 2-7 when Nicole had been arrested. "Did Cosgrove lie?" he asked.

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