Chapter Sixteen

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Nolan and Sam take a narcissist to trial, Boden starts to dig, Jason starts to deflect, Greg searches for aspirin, and Wendy earns her title of "good friend." Featuring three dumbasses, one homicide detective who's feeling like sprouting wisdom, and one very confused prosecutor who has no idea what her boss's relationship with his friend is supposed to be.

Frank's bio is at the end! Enjoy!


"People ask for remand, Your Honor," Sam requested at Nina's arraignment.

"Defense requests bail be set at five million cash," Amanda Stanley said as Nina was brought to her side. From his seat behind Sam, Nolan watched Nina stare around the courtroom with an air of indifference before she straightened and directed her attention to the judge. "Ms. Ellis also agrees to wear an ankle-monitor and agrees to surrender her passport. Your Honor, my client runs one of the most important healthcare companies in the world. She's absolutely vital to this entity's existence. Without her, business will suffer. Hundreds of employees will lose their jobs – "

"Save the speech, Ms. Stanley," the judge shook his head. "Bail is set at five million dollars."

Sam nodded and packed up her belongings, and Nolan rose to his feet to join her in walking out of the courthouse. "Where do you want me to start?" Sam asked.

Nolan opened his mouth to answer, then a furious voice behind them made them stop. "She gets to walk out on bail?" Kyle Morrison's father demanded. "Nina Ellis needs to pay for what she did to my son, suffer the way Kyle suffered!"

Nolan sighed, carefully thinking through his words. While maneuvering through the political arena that was the District Attorney's office was usually more of a headache than a pain in the neck, this was one of the worst parts of being a homicide prosecutor: trying to find a balance between being the prosecutor and comforting victims' families. "Mr. Morrison, I'm very sorry for your loss," he said. "I give you my word we will do our best – "

"Your best?" Morrison scoffed. "That's not good enough, pal. Nina is evil. She has no morals, no soul. She'll do anything to win. Anything. This is about making her pay for what she did to my son."

Morrison left just as Nina left the courthouse, and reporters swarmed the businesswoman at once. "Ms. Ellis! Did you kill Kyle Morrison?" one asked.

"Is the IPO still going forward?" another reporter added.

"Of course, I didn't kill Kyle," Nina answered. "He was the love of my life. And yes, the IPO is moving forward. Hythena is the premier medical-testing company in the world. Every day, we're trying to find new ways to save lives. This trial is not gonna stand in our way. I couldn't be more excited to share my truth. This is an important moment, not only for me, but for every other unapologetically ambitious female entrepreneur who refuses to conform to archaic gender stereotypes and societal pressures."

Nina walked away, escorted by police, and Sam made a face as the reporters followed her, all shouting more questions. "Kyle's father was right," Nolan sighed, pulling out his phone when it chimed. "This won't be easy."

Hearts: Unapologetically ambitious

Hearts: More like narcissistic

Diamonds: I've Barba and Stone prosecute people like this before

Diamonds: Not sure if it was ever a woman though

Clubs: I really want in the courtroom with your brother one day

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