Chapter 12: Final Step

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The next morning before class, Maverick pulled me aside, telling me to keep him being team leader to myself. He said that he's going to tell everyone before- or after- class. A secret. I naturally agreed. I mean, thinking about it, the only person I would want to tell is 6 feet under. Sorry, still grieving. With the news that I have to keep that to myself, I take my seat next to Rooster and watch Maverick walk up to the podium. "Welcome back, old man!" Maverick shakes his head, looking down at the wood podium in front of him. Eventually, his eyes trail up to meet mine. Looking in the eyes that I have known for years, I can tell he's holding in a laugh. "Thank you, Lieutenant." I give him a thumbs up.
"Anyway. As you all know. Our mission is set to take place in 2 days time, that means that you have only today to perfect Phase 1 and 2. I will be choosing my teams tomorrow on the carrier." Noticing his mistake, he looks over at me, almost telling me to say something about it. "Sir?" Maverick eyes move away from mine and to the seat in front of me. "Yes, Phoenix."
"You said your teams. Does that mean your mission leader?" She asks. Maverick nods his head agreeing to her statement.

Surprisingly, not even the person sitting next to me complained about this new information. Well, there was a groan from Hangman, but that was about it. "Today you will be showing me which one of you," he looks at us single flyers, "is going to my wingman. And what 2 pairs will be my foxtrot teams," he says, looking at the teams of 2. "Show me what you got. No mistakes. Good luck and dismissed."

Holding my sky-blue helmet in my hand as I walk towards my F-18. The flight crew has my ladder already pulled out of the body of my plane. I was just about to climb into the box when a brunette yells from the ground, "Hunny? Are you leaving me with saying goodbye?" A smile creeps into my lips as I climb back down the ladder to Phoenix. "I could never forget you, my love!" As I stick out my fist to initiate the start of our handshake. It ends with a bump to our hips. Phoenix retreats to plane, that is across from mine. I see Bob climbing the ladder, stopping about half way he looks around, his eyes landing on mine. He sends me a mocking salute, one which I return, before he finishes the climb.

Turning around to reclimb my ladder, but I'm stopped by every hard wall - wait, no chest. I'm met with the familiar smell of plane fuel, the ocean, and citrus fruit. Looking up, I see a pair of chocolate eyes staring down at me. "Yes, Rooster?" Above us, a F-18 flies by, I watch as Rooster lips move, but I can't hear anything. I hold up my hand signal for him to wait a second. The plane flies by, and I remove my hand, signaling that Rooster can continue. He just shakes his head telling me, he'll tell me later and good luck flying today. I watch as he turns around, walks to his F-18.


My team consists of Phoenix and Bob while we're paired with Hangman, Fritz, and Omaha - the cocky trio. For this run, Maverick picked me as 'mission leader'. I like to think about it as a freebie to boss Hangman around, maybe push his buttons a bit. Who knows what will happen.

Positioned in our two teams, we start the course. "Skylar. Mark." The timer starts: 2 minutes 30 seconds. Seconds after my timers start, the last plane started their timer. "Alright everyone. Let's do some pilot shit." I say as I increase my speed and follow the route in my Nav system. "How we doing, Bob?" I hear Phoenix ask. "2.15. We're looking good." Phoenix asks if I heard. "Copy that Bob. Let's increase a little, so we're ahead of schedule. 660 knots in 3... 2... 1..."
"We're not going to make it because we're not going fast enough." I tried to be nice, but he kept pushing my button, so I snapped, "I'm mission leader for this run, Hangman. You have to say and that's final!" There is a need to be silenced on the comms, well, except for the giggles from the plane behind me. Reaching the end of the canyon, we increase speed to 700 knots to make it up the mountain. Flying across the straightway, at such low altitude and at such fast speed. I watch as the dirt flies around the planes.

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