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Being a member of his family meant making sacrifices. He had to give up his love to rescue his family. He had no choice but to abandon her. He had to destroy her heart in order to rescue his family.

If he didn't marry the girl his father had picked for him, his sister would have had to marry some rich old man.

Ekim was distraught as he disclosed the truth. She couldn't tolerate his father's cruelty. He remembered how much she sobbed that night when he told her about his father's expectations.

"I love you; don't forget that, okay?"

That's what he told her before leaving her house, his home.

A week later, he married Güneş, the daughter of his father's business partner, who was a lovely woman, but nothing compared to the woman he loved. People are correct when they claim that the person you love will always be perfect in your eyes. On his wedding day, he realised this. He realised that no matter how sweet and compassionate his wife was, he would always remember her. Her giggle, her singing habit while cooking...

However, he was fortunate to meet Ekim a year later while he was on a business trip in Antalya. She was there to see her grandparents and her mother, who had relocated there when they graduated. Ekim first disregarded him totally. She ignored everything he sent her and even threw it away in the garbage.

But after a while, she gave in and softened. To be honest, he was taken aback when she appeared on his doorway in the hotel. She smothered him in kisses and hugs.

That's how their affair began. He would take multiple business trips while telling Ekim of his whereabouts so they might meet up. It has been going on for years with no one discovering their second life.

He was a wonderful husband and parent. Kanat did have a son and he couldn't be happier with his son, who was now 10 months old. He was initially terrified of being a parent at the beginning, but Ekim reassured him by comparing him to a nut. He may have seemed menacing, but he had a warm and fuzzy heart.

Ekim was often inquiring about his son. She enjoyed hearing his stories since she believed him to be her son. If Kanat's father hadn't intervened, she may have had the ideal family.

They should meet up in Ankara this time. He checked into the hotel and took the lift to his floor. When he opened the hotel door, he was met with a gentle smile he hadn't seen in two months.

Ekim came up to him and hugged him, her legs wrapping around his body. "I have missed you."

At first they frequently used fictitious names at hotels at first to conceal their affair, but after a time, they stopped making as much of an effort.

Kanat laid Ekim on the bed carefully and kissed her lips.

"I missed you as well, kahraman kız."


"Güneş is beginning to get suspicious." Kanat remarked this while resting his head on Ekim's lap. She touched his head softly.

"Were you not a normal considerate husband?" She inquired, her voice trembling with jealousy. She may have despised Güneş with all her heart, even though it wasn't her fault that she married Kanat. If it wasn't Güneş Rıza Bey, Ekim was convinced of it, he would find another woman to be Kanat's wife.

"I guess I got distant when Deniz was born."

Actually, she was the one who came up with the name Deniz. Kanat and Güneş battled with baby names, and when Ekim mentioned the sea where they became officially a couple, Kanat opted to name his kid after one of the best days of his life.

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