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Dinner was fantastic, as always. Ekim didn't mind the calories because her mother's meal always made her feel better. It had the magical ability to make her feel better, whether she was unhappy or angry.

Perhaps Melisa just informed their mother of her bad mood and persuaded her to prepare her favourite cuisine. Ekim believed that the second alternative was more plausible than her mother suddenly be in the mood for Ekim's favourite food.

"Sister?" Her younger brother Ali asked when he saw she didn't smile during the supper.

"Yes." Melisa sent him a warning gaze not to say anything inappropriate about their school day. The small kid immediately shut his mouth, causing his mother to glare at her daughter.

"Ekim daughter, I prepared your favourite dessert. Do you want it?"

Ekim was now convinced that Melisa had forewarned her mother about the event that occurred that day. "What's the matter with you today, teddy bear?"

Ekim's father gave her a teddy bear when she was a small child, which she slept with until she was thirteen. Nevertheless, she still kept him and hugged him when she was upset. He was always sitting on her bed ready to comfort her anytime.

"Nothing." She lied while drinking some of her water.

"You are lying," her father said before being slapped on the arm by his wife and given an eye roll by Melisa.

"Why can't you leave me alone?" Ekim smacked the table and dashed to her room. "You are so tactless, dad. I'll take the sweets, Mom."

Melisa replied as she followed her sister, holding two sweets in her hands. "Come with me, Ali." The small kid leapt from his seat and raced to his sister. "What did I do?" Süleyman inquired about his wife, who only sighed at his obliviousness.

"We're coming in." Melisa warned her sister while Ali unlocked the door to Ekim's room. "We took panna cotta with us." Ali said joyfully before sprinting to Ekim's bed.

"Wait, I'll help you." Ekim offered, then placed her hands under his armpits and hoisted her brother into bed. "Alright, Dad is dumb. He simply couldn't see the elephant in the room. I'll tell him to evict this ungrateful bi..."

"Mel" Ekim cut her sister off before indicating with her eyes that their brother who was present.

"Ali, you're lucky that Ekim saved you from a vengeful sister who was about to bathmouth a rat."

The little boy didn't understand what Melisa was talking about, while Ekim only shook her head at Melisa's behaviour.

"I don't want to ruin their future over something so insignificant." Ekim told after eating something from the dessert. Ali opened his mouth to signal his sister that he, too, needed some panna cotta. Ekim used her spoon to chop one piece and placed it in his mouth.

"Meaningless? What exactly are..." Melisa ceased speaking due to her brother's phobia of loud sounds, which caused him to cover his ears. She had forgotten how sensitive he was to loud sounds.

"She has been claimed, therefore she will suffer. You will not help her and will not tolerate their actions. I'll wreck their life if I witness something like that again."

Ekim fed her brother, then ate her dessert, while Melisa sulked since she couldn't expell this girl from school.

"Fine." Ekim agreed, and Melisa handed Ali her spoon with the dessert. He ate some of Melisa's spoon and smiled happily at his sisters.

"I want like to play cards." Ali spoke before bolting from the room, only to return with three games. The sisters immediately rose up and assisted him in carrying the games to Ekim's bed.

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