Chapter 2.

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You jolted up from your sleep, still, on the bed, you were last on. You looked out of one of the small slim windows to see that the moon was still out, and the sun wasn't near rising yet. But you heard boots running around the halls and slight giggles. You could tell they were trying to be polite and respectful, but it wasn't really working. 

As you opened up the door slightly you saw in the darkness, two figures. with the help of your vision, you could see the wide-shouldered guitarist and the smaller petite guitarist. They stared right back at you. 

"Can they.. see us?" You heard one slightly whisper to the other. "With how tiny you are I don't they could even see you." The other commented, but was instead greeted with an elbow to the side of the rib. "Ow! The fuck was that for.." "everything." "You do notice.. I can see you.. both? And hear you..?" You said as you slipped out of the room. You didn't notice your tail wasn't hidden, but it wasn't visible unless you were behind you, but luckily they were in front of you. "It's pitch black for you, how the fuck can you even see..?" The shorter one stepped closer to you and stared at you confused. "You don't think... they're?" The smaller one looked at you then at the other ghoul. 

It almost felt like kidnapping or being held, hostage. But they told you to hush surprisingly they didn't. and they were taking you somewhere. As you were being led, you could hear the two ghouls bickering again, flirting, and going back and forth. "Love hate relationship..?" You awkwardly tried to break the small silence. "Meh." The shorter one said and they kept bickering back and forth. You wondered if they ever can run out on things to argue about. "Y'know I tried saving your life once." The taller one bickered. "By trying to push me off of a fucking bridge? Saving my life my ass." The shorter one bounced back at him. You looked at them back and forth as they argued, both confused and amazed at how long they can go on.

As you reached a door, you could hear faint talking and a drum set being played. "Is this a kidnapping?" You glanced over at both of them. "Depends on your view of a kidnapping." The shorter one said as he opened the door to a dark room and then steps going down which looked like a den. You started to wonder if this was a church or not. For some reason, you felt uneasy as you walked through the dark corridor, even though it was mostly empty, and looked like it was used for storage.

"Yall taking me down to hell or what..?" You looked at them confused. As you approached another stairway, it was getting, even more, colder as you went down each step, and the louder the music got. By the time you got to the door at the end of the stairway, the music ended for a moment, then started back up. You could hear a female voice start off the song. "We were speeding together, down the dark avenues~" As the wide-shouldered ghoul opened up the door, it was lit dimly, but a cozy type dim, and you could still see everything in the room. "What the fu..." 

At first, not any of the ghouls noticed you there, but they stopped the song at, the "We were scanning the cities," part. "So exactly... why am I here..?" You asked the ghouls and ghoulettes in the room. "I knew it!" The shorter ghoulette exclaimed in happiness as she stepped off of the keyboard platform and ran up to you. "who are you, exactly..?" you said as you stared in confusion at her. "Multi! Well, rather Cumulus, since there are 3 multis now..." She exclaimed. You looked around the room in confusion. "Well, I have another question.. why the hell am I here right now? Or who the hell any of you are?" You honestly thought you were high, or Papa had drugged you or something. 

"Aether." The wide-shouldered ghoul said. "This little shit here is Dew or dewdrop." He made sure his saying "little" was very clear. "fuck off will you?" He elbowed Aether in his side. "The taller ghoulette is Cirrus," Aether explained as Cirrus happily waved at you as she messed with the keyboard. "The tall fuck over there is Mountain. It's a fitting name, right? cause he's tall as shit?" Dewdrop pointed over at the ghoul st the drum set. 

"Other OTHER multi, Swiss cheese." Dew added."my name is not Swiss Cheese." His voice was a bit lower and raspier than the other ghouls. "and that isn't your real voice." Cirrus said sassily as she looked up at Swiss. "And then that's Rain over there. He's not much of a talker.." Cumulus whispered over to you as she looked at Rain. "I might not talk a lot, but I can hear you.." he was more soft-spoken, and almost mumbling. 

"First time he talked today, isn't it, right?" Swiss joked. "There's also another ghoulette but she's not with us right now.. so.."Cumulus sighed. "She's dead?" You raised your eyebrow. "Nonono! That's not what I meant.." Her voice started to crack into laughter, and as well with the other ghouls started to laugh too. "So, exactly. Why was I basically kidnapped and taken here?" You asked as you turned to look at Aether and Dewdrop.

You looked at the ghoul's and ghoulettes tails. Cumulus And Cirrus' tails were a bit shorter, and Cirrus's tail was a bit longer than Cumulus's, and normally swayed back and forth, always moving in some type of way, and their tails are normally seen intertwined with each other's when they're next to each other. Mountains tail isn't visible, and he rarely shows it. Rains tail rests on his thigh, lightly wrapped around it, and normally doesn't move, and is about the same length as Cumulus' tail. Like Rain, Swiss' tail also rests on his thigh, but when it's not, his tail reaches the ground, and can often be heard thumping the ground when it moves or it can be slightly heard when he's walking and being dragged across the floor, almost the size of s a full grown snake. Aether's tail was also long, but it barely reached the ground, and it's often still, and he often uses it as like an extra hand. Dewdrops' tail is always moving at either slow, fast, or normal speed. It's as long as Aethers but it's touching the ground just barley, and he often wacks people with his tail intentionally, or unintentionally. (Mostly intentionally.) And you had realized you didn't hide yours. 

"We kinda had the same question as you, like how you saw us in the pitch black hallway?" Aether looked at you as you awkwardly laughed. 

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