Chapter 9

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A/N: hope your bullet proof cause this shit bouta hurt (/j)

You looked at the hand resting on your shoulder, a bit confused, but also startled. You heard a slight snicker come from behind the couch, then quiet giggling. "Eh..?" You raised your eyebrows as you looked behind the sofa, only to see a smaller ghoul lying flat on the floor trying his best not to burst out laughing. "Oh my satan, you should've seen your face." The ghoul snickered. You looked at the ghoul. It was Dewdrop.

"How long have you uh... been there?" You looked at him as he stood up. "Eh, for a while. Why'd you ask?" He questioned. "Nothing." You said as you went back to playing your game. "You seem a bit tense." You heard him say as he sat down next to you on the couch, but near the arms of the couch. To your surprise, he smelt quite nice. Kind of like a daisy fragrance, but mixed with a rose smell. It wasn't a strong, right-in-your-face type smell, it was a very subtle and soft smell.

"Y'know, if you want to ask me a question.." He playfully elbowed you. "I know you heard what we were talking about earlier.. y'know.. about you..?" You braced for the impact of his temper, but instead, he slightly tilted his head at you and laughed. "I mean I could, but then again it's been a while since all of that happened." He admitted. "I mean, if you don't want to explain it, you don't have to." You tried to reassure him.

He hesitated for a moment and thought about it. "Well, at least from what I can remember," He started. "I don't remember a lot about my parents, it's very hazy. All I can remember was neither of them being there for me a lot of the time. I never saw them in my life a lot, and mostly the people around my house were the people who cared for me. My house was mostly run down and was often used by random people for their hideouts for doing drugs or smoking, or just for homeless people to stay for a few nights." He continued. "I remember a lot of people telling me I was some type of child of the devil, I mean, sheesh, they weren't exactly wrong, look at me now." He sighed.

"I didn't really live that long before I was a ghoul, I remember," He said as he continued. "You think that's why you're so short?" You joked, but instead just got an elbow in the ribcage. "The few things I remember weren't that present for me. One of the main things being my mother being arrested, then my father becoming some type of drug addict. I didn't understand it because I was so young back then, but my home wasn't that well of a living area for a child. I picked up the guitar when I was younger, and it became like an escape for me, y'know?" You realized he was a bit like you, but minus the alcoholism and Christianity.

"The other last very vivid memory was.." He stopped. He went silent for a few seconds.
 "Well, to put it short, my house was set flame and collapsed while I was still in it, and nobody ever realized I was still in there. I was only in my late teen years when this happened." As he finished his sentence, your heart dropped. "Soo, what about you?" He looked at you. "I don't actually remember anything, like, at all, before I was a ghoul, actually. Believe it or not." You awkwardly laughed. 

You looked at the time. it was pretty late. "Holy shit it's late." You commented. "Well uh, I hope you have a great night, Dew." You said as you stood up and looked at Dewdrop and started to walk to the door to the room you could now call your permanent room. All Dewdrop did as a response was wave back to you. He thought you had shut the door already, and he flopped down on the couch long way, picked up a pillow, and slightly screamed into it. "You uh, okay there dude?" You commented as you shut the door behind you before he could reply to your comment. 

You fell straight into the bed, sinking into the comfort of the sheets and covers. You sighed. As you slowly creped into the covers and sheets, you could hear the soft sound of a bass guitar through the wall. "He's still up?" you thought as you closed your eyes and drifted into a slumber.

802 words
sorry this took me so long to get out!! I've had school work more recently, and had to deal with friends an still like that, so sorry if updates will be slow this week! 

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