Chapter 5

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HEADS UP FOR THIS CHAPTER: there are mentions of abuse and alcoholic abusement, etc, so please if you are sensitive to this topic i'd suggest skipping this chapter <3

As the ghouls started waking up and getting loud, they started playing different games, like UNO, solitaire, twister, Jenga, guess who, Mario kart, smash bros, and so on. "Y/N! Do you know how to play Jenga?" Cumulus asked you. You weren't a party-type person. You preferred to be at home and not at parties. You nod your head as you walk over to the table that Jenga set up on.

It started well, not any problems at first, but then it was at the final stretch. "I've honestly never seen a Jenga match this long in my entire life.." Mountain commented as he watched you and Cumulus. The ghouls were hyping you both up but until finally... The tower was knocked over when literally nobody was touching it. "WHAT? WHAT IN THE KISSING LUCIFER'S ASS WAS THAT?" As soon as that came out of Dews's mouth the whole room erupted into laughter and wheezing. "You sure he hasn't had a drink yet?" Cirrus looked over at the other ghouls. 

Aether arrived a few minutes after the stressful but entertaining Jenga game had ended. "What's wrong with Swiss? he's normally a big partier, right?" Aether looked around the room in confusion, and only got shrugs of uncertainty. Aether talked him into playing one game of UNO, and a few drinks, and that was enough to get him going. 

In the background, Mountain, Cirrus, Cumulus, and Rain were playing a very intense game of Mario Kart, while you and the other ghouls watched. Rain was so quiet and so still, some part of you thought he might've just died. But he ended up winning first place, though. "WO!" He shouted. It was unusual for him to shout so loud, which gave the room a slight shock, but then went back to conversations and other things.

You weren't a drinker. You were never good with alcoholic beverages or watching people drink so much they're hallucinating or on the verge of passing out. Dew and Aether were one of those people. They both could go through multiple bottles and only feel a little tipsy. Rain, on the other hand, he's not a strong drinker, much like you, he gets tipsy on his first glass, but still chooses to drink. Cirrus was the strongest when it came to alcohol. She could go on for many many bottles and barely even feel tipsy. Her alcohol tolerance was almost concerning. The others were in the middle, being able to outstand a few drinks but in the end, getting drunk and intoxicated. 

The next few hours went by quickly, and there weren't any problems or anything like that. It was only until the ghouls started to get very, very, very drunk. It reminded you of your father, a pastor, but also an alcoholic. You barely could withstand the stench of drunkards or any type of alcohol. It made your stomach twist and turn, and feel like you were going to throw up. It felt intoxicating. Your father had died before you were kicked out of the church, due to alcohol. You didn't know if you should be happy or sad. He abused you just as your mother did. You were zoned out, staring at the wall, getting a few bad memories and flashbacks in large waves into your mind. 

"Ungrateful child! We give you a roof over your head, and this is how you choose to spend your days?" Your father shouted at you. You were back in your old home. Abusive relationships, nights without sleep, the cruel church, everything. Your face was hot, and you could feel a tear stream down your cheek. You looked around at your surroundings. you were in the kitchen of your old home, being lectured by your father. "You choose to disobey me and your mother, you practice the music of the unholy! Shame on you. We feed you and give you shelter for free, and you still choose to go against us! Why do you do such things?!" He shouted again. "I... I don't know.." You mumbled under your breath. "Nonsense! If you do it you have an answer to WHY you do it. Tell me it now!" He ordered. "I DON'T KNOW!" You cried and shouted at him. It felt like you were in 3rd person. You could see yourself and your father arguing. He slapped you twice. "Tell me. This instance." You cried. You didn't know the answer to his question. You did, you just didn't want to tell it to his face, because he would just end up making things worse. 

You often thought of killing him and your mother yourself, and running away and finding somewhere to live out in the middle of nowhere. But you'd starve without them. Not like they already didn't do that enough. Bad memories flooded your brain. You always heard your mother and father fighting, glass shattering, screaming, then a brief silence. You always dreamed and hoped one of them killed the other. Maybe even the both of them killing the other at the same time so you didn't have to deal with them. You stay in your room, hunched up in the corner of the room, trying to block out the screaming and fighting noises. It never helped. They progressively got louder and louder, sometimes getting quieter, but only for a few moments. They went on for hours fighting. Your father kept his empty wine and champagne bottles, only to hit and shatter them on you and your mother. It was constant fighting, no matter what day, time, year, or second. Your mind was overloaded with memories.

Rain, who had barely even drunk, noticed you looked upset and spaced out. He slowly waved his hand in front of your eyes, calmly, trying to get your attention. As you come back to reality, you flinched and moved a bit backward from where you were sitting, but you saw Rain, instead of your father. "You okay?" He said softly as tilted his head sideways in confusion. You slowly nod in a form of response. "Do you.. need any water? Or if you need to step outside for a moment?" He offered. "Sure... I probably just need some fresh air.." You responded as you both stood up. 

1070 words

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