Chapter 7

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As you walked back into the main room, everyone was still pretty loud, but you ignored them and returned to the room Cumulus had shown you yesterday. you looked at the notebook you brought with you. The only thing you took with you was when you ran away, opened it, and started to write.

"I do not crave death, yet I crave a moment where no thoughts are present, no one needs anything from me, and I don't owe anything to anyone. that is what I believe is free. life is like an animal enclosure. your stuck for years of your life, only to be set into the real world, get a job, and then be trapped in another animal enclosure. I've been telling myself that since I was small. With my father being an alcoholic pastor, and my mother being an addict to anything she could get her hands on, it's like when I was pushed out of the womb my life became a living hell, and I was forced to grow up quickly. When I was younger, I always wanted to be a poet or a writer. It feels like an idiotic thought now,  knowing what type of spot I'm in now. I'm in an antichrist-type church with ghouls. That's definitely something I thought I would never write down in this notebook. I've had this thing since I was young. But I can never remember how old I was."

As you finished writing the entry for today, this week, or the month. You always forget to update it, you skimmed through the older pages. Some of the pages had been ripped out, scribbled out, and some had doodled on the sides of the pages. You never noticed how much you liked to draw when I was younger, until now. 

"Mother and Father are fighting again. I'm scared. I don't know what to do. They keep screaming at each other and breaking things. They boarded up my window because I tried to sneak out when they were fighting. I'm scared. I know nobody else will read this, but I write in it anyway." You read the page in your head. Some words were scribbled out, spelled incorrectly, and had childlike handwriting. Anyone could tell it was a small child's handwriting. 

You heard a slightly familiar voice from outside, so you decided to take a peek outside from the room you were in. As you scanned the room, you noticed Papa III. "Have any of you seen that one pers- Oh Satan never mind. Like any of you are gonna understand a single word that comes out of my mouth." He sighed. "Seen who?" You heard Rain close the door from where he was outside. "The uh..... Uhm... From yesterday?" "There were several people from yesterday..." "Well, y'know, the one? Pretty sure they were also a ghoul?" "Oh, you mean Y/N?" "Yeah! See I knew it. I just didn't know if that WAS their name." He exclaimed.  "Anyway, where did you see Y/N?" He continued as Rain pointed to the door you were peaking out of. 

"Ah, Cara Mia, I thought they had killed you!" He walked up to the door as you stepped out of the room. "Why did you think that?" You asked concerned. "Ahh, it's nothing. I'm sure one of the ghouls would explain it to you." He said, looking over at the dent in Aether's door. "I had looked all over the church for you, but I didn't think for a moment you would be down here. But I had originally looked for you to tell you when our next ritual was." He explained. "Ritual?" You raised your eyebrows. "Think of It as an uhh, ahh....." He thought for a second. "Agh never mind, you'll just have to see for yourself." He said as he went on and gave you the date for the 'ritual.' 

"It's in a few days. Gives me some time..." You mumbled slightly as you saw and heard Papa trying to navigate up the dark stairwell. You could hear a few random words in Italian, but you couldn't make out what they were. You were a bit confused about what he said 'i thought they had killed you.' You were in deep thought. You realized he glanced over at Aethers door, where it looked like a hole was punched into it. You shrugged it off. You knew ghouls and ghoulettes like you were aggressive, normally towards humans, but they can get rowdy with other ghouls.

For the next few hours, the majority of the ghouls had either calmed down or had completely passed out. "So..." You mumbled as you sat down on the couch where some of the other ghouls were. Cirrus was still holding strong, to your surprise. "I don't get how you guys can drink for that long.." You awkwardly laughed. "You'd be surprised." You heard Rain say from somewhere behind the couch. "Rain's not much of a drinker. So he mostly has to deal with all of us." Cirrus commented. "Oh yeah, I have a question." You looked over at Cirrus then at Rain. "What is it?" Cirrus slightly tilted her head in question. 

"Was there someone that died down here? I thought of it when he said earlier when he came down here looking for me when he said 'I thought they had killed you?'" You asked, curious.

914 words

sorry this took so long to get out!! ahgdjfghfjg I was busy and I had writers block

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