Chapter 8

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It went completely silent. "Did I... say something wrong?" You asked, confused. The silence made the room stiff. The air was tight. "Nono, you didn't, it's just a very.... sensitive subject for the boys. Although neither I nor Cumulus nor Sunshine was here when it happened." Cirrus sighed slightly. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to open up a wound.." You said, looking down at the floor. "If you don't want to explain, that's completely fine, I don't mind.." You continued.

Rain had been quiet since you asked that question. He completely forgot he was in the conversation. All he could do was sit there and remember what happened several years ago. "I can explain.. as long as you don't view us differently? Alright?" Rain said as he walked in front of the couch and sat down next to you.

"Well, before the ghoulettes had been here, there were a few other ghouls before them." He started. "When they were here, a lot.. of fights broke out. It was almost weekly. The ghouls were.. aggressive. more aggressive than anyone we've ever seen; even more aggressive than Sodo. Back then, a lot of us didn't know what to do, so we just had to deal with them." He continued. Something about the tone of his voice, the slight break between a few sentences felt like a stake was just stabbed into your heart. 

"Aether, Swiss, or Mountain were normally the ones who stood up when we were tired of them, but they would never end with what they were doing. Those ghouls from the past weren't nice, at all." He continued, but he stopped after that sentence and let out a big sigh, and looked up at the ceiling. "It's mostly where Sodo became aggressive and more anger built up, but not as much as the past ghouls. That's what we all fear, now." He explained. "That he'll end up like them?" You ask as Rain and Cirrus nod meaning a yes. "He also eventually had to stand up towards them as well, another reason why he became so aggressive. And before he was a ghoul aswell, it was also a bit hard on him.."

"I still don't think he'll ever.. become like them. It just doesn't seem like him.." He mumbled. "Do you think we could do a topic change..?" Rain asked as both you and Cirrus nodded. 

"What does Sodo's element have to do with.. y'know.. what you told me?" You ask as you looked over at Rain. "I think you should ask him that.. If I told you I think I'd be hung at the stake by him." He joked as Cirrus agreed with him.

"So... what are your guy's hobbies? If you have any?" You asked, trying to change the topic. "I collect vinyl, and also plants, but not as crazy as Cirrus collects hers." Rain joked. "I also collect plants! But I'm not that crazy, trust me." She playfully elbowed you.

You three went on for a while, talking about random topics, and playing Mario Kart in between. "It's getting a bit late, I might head," Cirrus said as she pointed over to the door of her room and walked towards it, waved to you and Rain, and closed the door behind her. "I might also, y'know, go... I'll most likely be practicing in my room if you need something." Rain told you as he headed to his room.  You sat there for a few minutes in silence, still playing Mario Kart but against the bots. It was too quiet. It was a bit unsettling for you.

The rest of the ghouls had already gone to sleep or to their rooms, which only left you. You heard a slight creak in the wooden flooring, like someone who was wearing some sort of boot heel, was walking very lightly. "Is anyone there..?" You said as you were still focused on the game. The footsteps stopped. "I know you're there, I can hear your footsteps." 

Just then after you had finished your sentence, a ghoulette about Cirrus's height but a bit shorter stepped from outside the doorway from the dark stairwell. "Are you the ghoulette the other girls we're talking about?" You asked her as she nodded slowly in a confusion. "My names Sunshine, or Stratus, or Victory. Just choose one that fits your liking, I don't have a preference!" Sunshine excitedly whispered over to you as she opened the door to the ghoulettes rooms that they all shared and waved to you.

"So is that all of them..?" You whispered to yourself. "Not all of them..." an attempt of a creepy-like tone came from behind the couch that gave you a slight chill to your bone, as a smaller petite masculine hand was placed on your shoulder. 

795 words

i loved writing this awhfjsdf

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