Chapter 4.

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anyway back to the regularly scheduled fanfiction...


Swiss sighed, looking over at Cumulus and Cirrus, ready for whatever either of them had to say, practically giving up. "Well.." Cirrus snickered slightly. " the truth is he's one of those guys who act intimidating but he's not intimidating at all once you get to know him. I think everyone in the room right now can agree on that. Well, apart from you, Y/N" As you looked around the room, everyone was nodding. Even Swiss himself. 

"Did you mention he's a cat person?" Rain looked over at the ghoulettes. If you could've seen through Swiss's mask, his face would be a bright hot pink color from embarrassment. "Hey... what about a subject change yeah?" Swiss tried to sway away from the topic but the gossiping ghoulettes would not give him a chance to. 

As the three went on, you saw Aether, Dew, Rain, and Mountain chatting slightly in the corner of the room, and decided to try and join in on their conversation. "So that's the story of how I almost killed an innocent ma-" Mountain stopped what he was saying when he saw you walk up to the group. "Sorry, you what..?" You stared blankly at Mountain. "You must've heard me wrong, I never killed a man before." "What about a woman?" "I haven't committed a murder before." 

"So has he actually committed a murder or not?" You looked over at the other three ghouls. They all shrugged. "So.. why'd you come over to us?" Rain spoke up. "Well, I was thinking about leaving and going back to my room since how late it is, and I wanted to say goodbye to you guys before I went, so.." You told the four of them. As soon as Cumulus heard your sentence she rushed over to you. 

"You're already leaving? You can stay if you want, there's an extra room down here that isn't being used lately!" She grabbed your hands. "You sure? I mean I just met you guys, I didn't want to intrude or anything like that, ehe.." "Nono, you're not intruding. Plus your one like us, so it's almost like you were meant to be here, no?" She insisted. "As long as you guys are fine with it, I'll stay?" As soon as you finished your sentence Cumulus let out a squeal of excitement, and led you to the extra room they had to spare. 

It was quite cozy for somewhere underground, it was a bit dusty, and could be fixed up a bit, but it was nice. "You sure someone else doesn't live here? Seems pretty good to me." You sarcastically said with a smile on your face. "Oh, right. We ghouls have the day off tomorrow, so we'll most likely be doing games and drinking if you want to join in, of course, if you don't want to or your busy, that's tots fine too!" Cumulus smiled. "Well, goodnight! Hope you get a good rest. Sorry if you hear Aether and Fire squawking and messing around. It's normal down here." She added as she closed the door. 

You looked around the room. A deer head was hung from a wooden plank, there was an old, out-of-tune piano squeezed into the corner, an old desk with books as old as the queen of England sitting on it, and a few paintings scattered about on the wall, skull decorations where scattered about the shelves, unlit candles, and so on. You turned off the lamp sitting on the desk and crawled into the bedsheets and comforters and fell into a deep sleep right away. 

————-meanwhile back with the ghouls.. ———

"Where'd Rain go?" Cumulus asked as she entered the practice room. "He went to his room, probably to read or sleep, that's my guess," Mountain answered Cumulus' question. "I already know where Fire went. He needs like 13 hours of beauty sleep or whatever." Cumulus joked as she sat down on one of the couches in the room. "So Swiss.. what the hell was that with Y/N just a bit ago?" Aether said sarcastically. "What do you mean?" He asked in confusion. The conversations dragged on for a few hours, but it all calmed down soon.

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