Chapter 3.

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Aether explained what Rain had told him about your appearance. All ghouls have a diamond-like pupil, like a cat's eye, and also like a cat, they dilate when in different lights, and are extra sensitive to light sometimes. You awkwardly laughed, trying to fill the silence with something. "So about that..." You mumbled as Aether tilted his head in confusion. 

"Is this a.. sensitive topic for you?" Swiss asked you, sympathetically, his voice not being raspier, and a calmer tone. "No, no, not at all.. actually, erm.." You looked over at Swiss then at the rest of the Ghouls and a Ghoulettes. "Y'know, it's nothing to be ashamed of, you're always welcome here with us, or anyone at the church." Cumulus put her hand on your shoulder, and you just nodded. "I never really met anyone like me before even yesterday, I don't even know who summoned me here on earth in the first place, actually." You sigh as you explain.

The ghouls and ghoulettes were super understanding and sympathetic to you. It almost surprised you with how you were being treated, because you're normally not been treated this kind before. 

"Should we change the topic?" Aether asked, not wanting to bring up anything more that would bring back memories of yours. "I mean, I'm fine with it, if the rest of you want another topic to talk about that's fine with me." You responded to Aether. "Hmm..." Cirrus was deep in thought. "I know!" She slightly mischievously giggled as she turned over to look at Swiss. "Oh, Satan not again.." He sighed, knowing what was going to happen. But you didn't know what was going to happen, so you just stood there awkwardly. 

"Soooo, Y/N..." She tried to hold back laughter. "You know how Swiss acts really intimidating sometimes?" Her wheezing made it sound like a dying goose. You slowly nodded your head, yes, and you raised your eyebrows. You could hear the slight cackling and giggles of the other ghouls in the room, and then a sigh from Swiss. But Rain just stood there, with no reaction, apart from a slight snort, but that was all. 

"He's actually a real so-" Cirrus was interrupted by Swiss practically covering her mouth. "Do you know how to close your mouth?" He joked in a raspy tone as Cirrus and the rest of the room were practically dying of laughter. Hell, Dewdrop was on the floor cackling. "Anyways~! What was that? Must've been the wind. Dunno what you're talking about." He whistled as he walked away back to where he was standing beside Rain. 

After everyone calmed down, you asked a question. "Are there any other ghouls? Apart from the other ghoulette?" You asked, and the whole room went radio silent. "Did I erm... say something wrong?" You asked awkwardly. "Well, there was.." You heard Rain mumble a bit louder than his normal voice, where you can barely hear him. "They've been missing for years now, we've started to think they're both dead or something." He sighed. "Could I ask who it was..?" 

Rain looked over at Aether, and he nodded back at Rain. "Well, maybe a week or two after Aether and Fire were summoned, two ghouls.. er... Omega and Alpha." His voice lowered when he mentioned their names. "They went missing a few years ago and we haven't seen them since," Swiss added to Rain's words. "They were both guitarists, but Aether and Dew had to replace their spots, pretty much." He added on again. 

"Another topic change? I can um, sense the uncomfortableness in the room..." You suggested as you saw a few nods of approval. "How about we tell Y/N about ourselves?!" You heard Cumulus exclaim as she raised her hand. "I mean... I'm down." You approved of her idea, as well as the others in the room. 

"Soo... who's going first?" Cumulus looked around the room. "Ladies fir-" Dew tried to offer but was interrupted. "If you give me that again, I will make sure I'll hit you in the di-" "she's still traumatized from the UNO game from last week," Aether told you. "So, how about you go first then, Dew." Your remark sounded slightly of hostility but also teasingly. "You are so lucky Aether would kill me if I even tried to punch yo-" 

Dew explained himself as a very manly man, but the ghouls in the room disapproved of his opinion. "probably the best lead guitar in all of band history." He said, proudly, slightly standing on his tiptoes to make himself taller. 

"If you asked for my opinion, he's like the passive-aggressive animal at the animal shelter, who's also unpredictable and will show off any chance he gets.." Aether added. "So you're saying I'm a rabid dog with rabies?" "Precisely." "Gee, thanks fuck ass." He said as he poked Aether in the back with the tip of his tail. 

"So who's next?" You raised your eyebrows. "Maybe we go in the order everyone's standing in? Since Dew went first and Aethers standing next to him, maybe him next?" Cumulus suggested as Aether shrugged. "I mean, not a bad idea. Better than what I had in mind anyways." 

Aether was the type of guy who was always buddy-buddy with everyone within the band, always on good terms with everyone, and only jokingly mad at them. The other ghouls described him as "gentleman-like but more chaotic and less professional than an actual gentle-man," - the words of Rain. "For someone who doesn't talk often you sure have a large vocabulary." You commented on Rain's statement, and he only shrugged in response.

The next was Cumulus and Cirrus. They're both like the wine moms of the band, and the most responsible, but also a bit chaotic on the side. Cumulus is sometimes called "Karen" by the other ghouls due to her short temper. Cirrus is a full-on wine mother, and also a soccer mom, and will go to lengths to do one tiny thing for anyone in the band. 

Rain was next, and he didn't actually realize it because he was focused on re-tuning and cleaning his bass. "Rain?" Cirrus looked over at Rain, who was quite literally zoned out staring at the wall. "Rain...?" Cirrus waved her head in front of Rain's eyes trying to get any response out of him. "Did he like.. die?" You blinked looking at Rain. "Huh? What..?" He slightly mumbled as he flinched and looked at Cirrus in confusion. "We were introducing ourselves to Y/N, remember?" "Oh, right. Sorry, um." His voice lowered as he finished his sentence. "Of course, if you don't want to, one of us can do it for you?" Cumulus offered. "Nono, it's fine I just zoned out.. for a second there." He awkwardly laughed. 

Rain's the quietest out of the ghouls and normally keeps his thoughts to himself. He collects vinyl, books, plants, and so on. Both on stage and off he's rarely seen doing suggestive things and reads a lot during free time. He didn't really have a lot to explain about himself, and claimed he was a plain and boring person. which he obviously isn't.

The last was Swiss. Before Swiss could even get a word out, Cumulus interrupted him. "Disclaimer Y/N. He's just the definition of 'all bark no bite.'" "I am not the definition of all bark no bite. that's Fire, not me." He claimed as he pointed at Dew with his tail. "Nah, I'd say your the 'all bark no bite.' not me." He looked at Swiss. 

Swiss is a humble guy, he dances a lot, both off and on stage. Much like Rain, he also collects vinyl. He claims he's "unintentionally flirty" but the other ghouls argued that he was purposely flirty. He was trying to be super intimidating during the whole thing, some of it worked, and some of it didn't, but it was still good anyways. 

"You do realize you forgot some key points there?" Cirrus sort of snickered. "What do you mean 'key points." I don't think I missed anything." Swiss looked over at Cirrus, and you looked back and forth between the two of them, confused. 

1360 words

jesus this took awhile

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