Chapter 10

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You were woken by the opening of what seemed like a new song with a piano, but very faintly in the distance. You scratched your head, not knowing what happened last night, and you didn't even get drunk.

As you woke up, stretched, and got changed into a more casual outfit, with (whatever shirt you choose, I dunno I couldn't choose) and plaid pajama pants, you could hear the very faint vocals. "Through benediction, you tried to rid your mind of malediction, but through all this time, you try to peel it off, and it's such a rhyme. " From what you could make out of it. You brushed through your hair and opened the door to see nobody in the room with the sofa and TV, and you assumed they were all in the practice room.

As you got closer to the door to the practice room, the song got louder. There was a guitar solo after the "Through the spillways of your soul," part. You opened the door and closed it behind you very quietly as the song started to end. As it ended, you clapped. "That was amazing.." you looked at them in fascination. You were a bit confused, not seeing Papa there, despite hearing his voice, but then you remembered it could've been a recording. 

"Wait, Y/N, do you know how to play any instruments? Or sing?" You heard Cumulus ask you. "I mean, I know a bit of guitar and keyboard, and also drums, but I haven't touched a drum set in years." You yawned. "Did we wake you up?" Swiss asked. "Nono, not at all. If you did it was a very pleasant awakening, though." You joked. You noticed they were wearing different masks than last time. You raised your eyebrow as you scanned through them. 

They looked like gas masks but were altered for breathing and vocalists. "Huh..." You mumbled, confused. "Oh right, the new masks. Copia only told us they would be only temporary for rituals and not everyday wear. So you'll normally still see us in the silver ones." Aether explained to you, trying to fill you in. "Copia.?" You cocked your head sideways in confusion. "Oh boy, here we go again.." You heard Rain mumble in the background. 

"So basically.. uh.. how do we put this?" Aether turned to look at the other ghouls, but they all shrugged, apart from Mountain. "Cardinal Copia is the newest Papa, but he's not technically an 'Emeritus,' So he's called 'Cardinal' or 'Copia,' or 'Papa IV.' Do you follow what I'm saying?" Mountain tried to explain to you. "Mostly yeah, but to an extent... like what the hells an Emeritus..?" You said, even more confused. "Three brothers who hate each other that most of us had to put up with for a while," Swiss added. "But then there's their father... brothers from another mothe-" Dewdrop tried to make a joke but was hit in the head by Aether. "We all know what happened last time after you made that joke," Aether commented. "What he's TRYING to say is that their father is Papa Nihil," Aether added.  "You've also met the third brother, Terzo before. I don't know if you've met the others though." He continued.

You looked at their new outfits. The ghouls all wore jacket-like tops, with black epaulets, and golden designs and buttons are sewn onto some bits of the torso. Some of their sleeves were fluffier than others and had cuffs instead of just skinny sleeves, like Rain or Swiss's sleeves, and also wore boots that came right below their knees with a golden star-like design on them, like a gemstone. The ghoulettes had almost the same outfit but without the epaulets, but instead had golden designs on the shoulders. You also noticed that Cirrus was wearing a cape with a black outside and blue underside. Both the ghouls and the ghoulettes wore black skinny jeans.

"You like our new outfits? I think they're nice!" Sunshine exclaimed from the corner with the mic, as she spun around, showing off the full outfit. "They're a bit thick for me, but I'll manage," Mountain admitted. Normally with drums, you're moving around a lot, and you start to sweat easily. You couldn't imagine what it's like sitting in skinny jeans and a thick shirt after just flailing your arms around at 50 different angles. 

"You did say you could play guitar, keyboard, and drums, right?" Cumulus looked at you. "Yeah? Why'd you ask?"

767 words
here you go my demons, here's your daily feeding of ghoul chapter
I'm gonna try to update this daily, or every few days!!

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