Chapter 6

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As you and Rain walked outside and used one of the back exists from the ghoul's area and onto a sort of patio-type area, hidden by bushes and leaves from people being able to see them from the church's courtyard, there was an awkward silence for a brief moment. "I'm guessing you're also not so much of a drinker?" Rain asked. "Yeah, pretty much. I can't stand the smell of it." You sat there for a moment, staring up at one of the dead trees. "I just don't like the feeling of being drunk.. It feels sorta like an out-of-body experience. And also the taste." Rain admitted. He looked over at you, as he could tell you were deep in thought. "Is there erm, something troubling you?" He asked, a bit concerned. "Oh, yeah. It's nothing, it doesn't have to do with anything happening right now, though." You explained as Rain nodded his head in understanding. 

There was another awkward silence, being filled by the slight movement of leaves, cars passing by, and the faint music and talking from inside. "I bet I know something you might be wondering about?" Rain commented. You looked at him in confusion as you raised your eyebrow. "How I became a ghoul? And why is my name Rain?" "I was thinking about that earlier, actually. If your comfortable with telling me why I'll listen." You looked back over at Rain, as he began to start. 

How ghouls and ghoulettes are born, its very different from humans. The unwanted by society, people who study the black arts, and hated by humanity, were all alike. Most, became wandering spirits, banshees, and so forth, raging and killing the people who wronged them, and their spirits slowly died out until they finally disappear. Some were different. Some had an extra chance. An extra life. They were called Ghouls. They normally earn their names from how they die when they were human, and before they became a ghoul.

He explained he lived in a small village off of a big town, only a few people lived in the village, often people in poverty, or the homeless seeking somewhere to stay. The children there used to pull on his hair, take his things, hit him, and bully him to the brim. They never gave him the chance to fight back, or not even say a word to them. He was always a quiet child. He kept his thoughts to himself and wasn't judgemental. He enjoyed nature and the beauty of forests, and the sounds of flowing water and rain hitting on tree leaves. He was often called weird because he liked the sounds of thunderstorms. Loud noises startled him, but not thunder, and he never understood why.

One day when he was looking at the fish and feeding them at the lake near the village, a few of the children, now teens, noticed him sitting there, vulnerable. The teens quietly snickered to themselves, walking quietly towards him on the old and creaky wooden dock. Before Rain could do anything they had already done it. They pushed him into the water, not being able to take a breath before he descended. He never learned how to swim. He was helpless. A slow, unpainful death. For a short period, he felt a sensation of knowing the was at peace. 

"And.. that's kinda where my name.. yknow.. originated from.. yknow, like.. Water? Rain?" He finished. You stare at him in awe and empathy. "Do you need like.. a hug?" "Nono, I'm fine-" Before he could finish his sentence you squeezed him like a child who had just gotten a prize from a carnival game. As you pulled away from the hug, through the silver mask you could see his hazel brown eyes get watery, and a tear forming in one of his eyes. You could tell he was trying to hold back from crying.  "I'm gonna go back inside, so um.." You mumbled as you opened the door and walked back into the main room. 


I let out a loud sigh as I made sure Y/N went back inside, then I unmask myself. I closed my eyes, and put my hands over them. I felt so naïve. Why did I tell Y/N all of that? I sigh again. Have the others noticed I've become more vocal since yesterday? I used to go days without speaking, but why now do I talk more? I feel safer when Y/N is with me, I feel like I need to say at least something. 

Why did I tell them everything?

790 words

sorry for the short chapter aughsdhfd i just really wanted to get this chapter out as soon as possible!!! i really hope you enjoying the story so far tho

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