XXX - Nice friend

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"Go away!" I groan, worn out be it mentally, emotionally or physically. I'm drained out of any energy to deal with anyone.

I just wanna cry alone.

"Nope." He's stern. "Friends till death do us apart. So I'm not letting you sit here all by yourself and bawl your eyes out." I hear him drag a chair.

"Dex please leave. I want to be alone for sometime." I groan, not rising my head up from my folded arms.

"Is it helping?"

"What?" I turn my head to the side. He sits astride with his chin resting on arms folded over the chair which back-faces me.


"I don't know." I whisper and face the other side, stinging sensation re-building in the back of my eyes. Though he knows I've been weeping my heart out, I don't want to shatter in front of him.

"Ari.." He softly calls out. Blinking the tears away, I hum back in response, "listening."

"Right now all you need is some serious relationship advice so hear me out okay?" I nod my head, still reluctant to face him.

"You've hurt him."

My voice comes out as a feeble whisper, "I know."

I've done more than that. I broke him. I made him question our love, our relationship but that isn't all.

And I don't know how to revert things to normal, to make it up to him, for all the times I've nothing but a selfish girlfriend, thinking only about myself.

"It's not okay but.. it's okay because we only hurt the person we love." He reasons out and I feel his hand pressing on mine in a comforting manner. For now it's my only source of warmth.

"But I have hurt him somewhat intentionally in one or the other way. I ignored his messages, his calls. I'm a terrible girlfriend."

"Oh you are." Follows a mocking chuckle.

"That doesn't help." I turn my head to scowl at him.

"It does." A grin dances over his lips "You are looking me at me now. Aren't you?"

"Come here." He rotates my chair and traps my legs between his.

"Tell me one thing." He gently holds my hands in his, hazel orbs glistening with tenderness. As I hum, he questions, "Were you happy?"

"All the times when you didn't reply to his messages or declined his calls. Were you happy?"

Was I?

Was I happy when I forced myself to not press the green button harboring the absurd notions that he'd feel the same I do when he doesn't pick my calls in meetings?

Was I happy when I didn't reply to his messages right-away because I wanted him to wait for me just the way I'd if he was busy with his work?


There was not a single ounce of happiness had I ever felt. Instead what I felt was wringing pain, an untamable longing to break all the leashes and allow myself to hear his soothing voice.

"Then why? Why did you torture yourself and him?" I don't have to answer this for he's well aware for my stupidity.

"Yea right. Because you wanted him to feel the same way you felt but you forgot one thing." He pauses, his voice drops to a softer accent as he adds, "He loves you Ari... as much as you love him or probably even more."

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