Call contd.

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Yn: so where were we.

Tae: on exes

Yn:no I mean who asked the question last

Tae: don't know I will ask okay?

Yn: someone's excited *giggles*

Tae: yes whatever. So does any of your friends know about me?

Yn: partially yes

Tae: like?

Yn: like three of my friends know that I have made army friend who is a boy and who lives in Korea but they don't know that I don't know your name and other personal information. They sometimes tease me with your name . They call you mystery man and are happy that I am finally uh finally talking to someone.

Tae: I am lucky to have a friend like you who trusts me and respect my privacy. I will reveal my identity soon sorry for not telling you right now.

Yn: okay okayy now tell me the same

Tae: my team knows about you . My close friends knows about you but my manager and seniors don't. My team leader suggested me to stop talking to you but when he saw how happy I am making a new friend he kind of started to support me.

Yn:  wow a lot of people knows about me *chuckles*

Tae: hey can you hold for a minute I need tooo you know *pause* use washroom

Yn: yea sure go

Tae:tae will be back in a minute

Tae: hello. Helloooo hell o o
I guess you also went somewhere I will wait

5 mins later soft snore comes from the other side

Tae: so you are asleep. Good night bestie *giggles*

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