6. Walk proud and high

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"Seriously Draco" I continue stroking Moody who lays in my lap sleepily. "When I said last night we should go down to breakfast together I didn't think you would take over an hour to get bloody ready for it." I stand up and place Moody back onto the large chair, he looks up at me blinking twice before going straight back to sleep. Cats truly could not care less whether we exist or not.

"Hm didn't realise. I slept in." Draco shrugs and begins to walk from the common room his shoulders hanging down low.

I jog to catch up with him "I was just joking." I fall into step besides him and look at him sideways "what time did you fall asleep in the end? You look exhausted."

Draco shrugs "fuck knows." His tone isn't snappy or rude, it just seems empty. No real Draco spark or anything to it.

I sigh and walk in silence besides him, as we reach the entrance to the great hall Draco's footsteps slow down. A Ravenclaw seventh year suddenly comes from behind us barging us both with his shoulders.

He smirks as he turns around "watch it Malfoy. Don't want to end up like your daddy now do we?"

A group of fifth years over hear and walk past us laughing loudly.

"Oh fuck this" Draco mutters under his breath turning back around and walking the way we came.

"No Draco wait" I call after him grabbing his sleeve to stop him from walking. I pull him to the side of the entrance way and push him gently so his back is now against the stone wall.

"Seriously Angelica leave me alone alright. I can't take another fucking day of this shit. I haven't eaten breakfast in that hall for a week, there's a reason for that. I can't take the fucking whispering and blatant displays of disrespect." Draco is seething as he runs a hand through his hair "I can't fucking take these people who used to respect me, who used to fucking fear me. Now they're laughing in my face, teasing me because of my father."

I grab his wrist "trust me, I know okay?" I pull on his wrist so he is now looking at me "you know what I went through. You know the letters, the whispers and the bullying that I faced because of my father." I step forward and smile at him "you were the reason I got through that."

Draco raises an eyebrow "how?"

"You gave me some sage advice."

"I did?"

I nod "you did. Now don't lower your head. It makes it seem as though you have something to be ashamed of, walk with your head high and proud. Fuck what people think about you."

Draco smirks "that is some very good advice."

I nod and pull him gently towards the hall "the best advice. Now you just have to actually listen to it."

I lift my head up dramatically and watch as Draco mirrors my movements. His shoulders pull back and he lowers his hands to his side, his wand sits balanced between his long fingers and his other hand is curled into a fist. He allows the slightest of smirks to shape his lips and pushes his hair back away from his face. He steps forward and within that one step I can feel the Malfoy confidence coming from him. The kind of confidence that isn't taught, in fact it can't be taught, this kind of confidence is a thing some people are just born with.

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