24. There is sense of charity in a quick death

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"Black looks delightful on you" Narcissa stands besides me as I look in the mirror at my reflection. She adjusts the dress on my shoulder her long pale fingers lingering for several seconds.

"I can not thank you enough Mrs Malfoy really." I smile widely at myself as I take in the clothes she borrowed me.

The black dress cinches my waist perfectly thanks to the adjustments Mrs Malfoy made with her wand. The mesh covers my chest and wraps around my shoulders with my pale skin poking through. My hair is dark and pulled back away from my face as it hangs down my back silky and smooth. My face is sharp and my cheeks stand out even more than ever.

Mrs Malfoy squeezes my shoulder "you're beautiful dear. Now let's head down."

"You're going to join us for the meeting?" I follow her from the room taking my wand with me.

Narcissa smiles as she waves her wand over her night dress and oversized jumper changing it into a black wizarding robe.

"I thought I should be there tonight, the Dark Lord has called us all to attend, meaning that tonight is an exceptionally important meeting." She looks at me sideways "you know you can stop calling me Mrs Malfoy dear."

I smile softly "it feels disrespectful to call you Narcissa."

"Well I prefer it dear" she reaches for my hand squeezing it tightly "I want you to call me Narcissa okay?"

I nod enthusiastically "okay" I hesitate for a second "Narcissa."

"Very good." Narcissa releases my hand as we walk together along the dark corridor our hems drag along the thick carpet.

"I'm scared" my words come out a whisper as the large wooden door looms ahead of us.

Narcissa squeezes my arm hard as she turns her head towards me. All softness has gone from her face as she stares across at me, the light highlights her sharp features and her eyes are hard as she shakes her head at me. "Well too bad. You can't be scared, you don't get to be. Do you understand me? You walk in there, you take your seat as the second in command and you hold your head up fucking high. Don't let anyone, especially your father, sense any fear in you."

I nod my head as I smile slightly "you remind me of Draco. He always told me to walk with my head high whenever I doubted myself."

Narcissa smiles sadly "it's the one thing I always tried to tell him as a child. People are going to doubt you and judge you anyway, so show them you don't give a fuck and hold that head up high."

"You're an amazing mother you know."

She shakes her head "I'm not so sure about that. Now stay here and don't enter until the doors open for you okay? You need to enter a second before your father."

She turns and walks through the wooden door without another word.

I stand alone in the dark corridor a single lantern in the corner illuminating the end of the hallway. Heavy curtains hang besides me and I step backwards half a step so I can see out of the large window.

The grounds are blanketed in darkness and the moon shines from behind a thick cloud. A cold shiver passes down my spine as I step back towards the door.

I hear a soft click and slowly the large doors swing open. I look up from my feet pointing my chin into the air as I take a deep breath in.

I don't get to be scared, not anymore.

I walk forwards my shoulders back and my wand held loosely in my right hand. I look around the table making sure to linger on people's faces and eyes just long enough to unnerve them, my eyes meet Dracos and it takes every ounce of self control to not allow myself to break. Words can not describe how impossible it is to remain cold and distant when you look into the very eyes of the person who makes you feel weak and vulnerable.

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