21. Leave it all behind

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"What's happening?" I squeeze Draco's arm as I look around.

"Death Eaters are fighting students" he steps down the last step pulling up his wand "the Order is here as well."

I look around the corridor and down to the staircase at the end, people are stood spaced out fighting one another, spells and curses flying in the air.

"Fuck" I mutter as I step down the last step. "We need to help."

"Who?" Draco looks at me his face grave "who do we help?"

Before I can think of an answer Draco suddenly jumps to the side as a red light flies between us. Our fingers release each other as the light hits the wall behind me sending rubble flying through the air.

Dust flies up and I lose track of Draco within the chaos of the flying spells. I stumble forwards trying to catch my breath away from the dust. I lean against the brick wall tightening my hold on my wand. The dust continues to fly towards me. I push forward attempting to clear my vision when I hear a scream coming from the floor besides me.

I look down to see Neville Longbottom collapsed on the floor clutching his leg, I turn and see that Ron has already stupefied the death eater who did it. Crouching down besides Neville I avoid his eyes as I run my wand over his leg muttering a basic healing spell.

"That will fix the break, it should be fine now." I reach my hand out and help him up.

"Thanks Angelica" he nods at me before running forwards to stand besides Luna Lovegood. The two of them take turns shooting spells towards Yaxley who easily blocks them.

I shrink back into the wall and study the fighting. The Order have more numbers that's for sure but their magic is weaker, they are relying on defence and basic spells of attack where as the Death Eaters are using hexes and curses and dark magic.

"Move girl" a snarl sounds besides me as a blur of darkness runs forward towards a pair fighting.

I look in horror as Bill Weasley who has just successfully disarmed a death eater is thrown into the wall by Fenrir Greyback. I step forward my heart pounding unsure at to how to help.

Bill struggles on the floor his fingers reaching for his wand which is rolling away, Greyback let's out a howl like laugh as he leaps forward his hand raised. His fingernails shine in the light, they are razor sharp and look more like talons than nails. Greyback swipes down viciously at Bills face causing blood to spray everywhere.

"No!" I run forward crossing the space quickly "Suffocatum!" I shout the spell desperately as Fenrir raises his hand towards Bills chest as though he means to grab his heart out.

The spell flies from my wand directly into Fenrir's back. He seizes up his hand still in the air, his head rolls back and he falls down the ground with a large thump.

I run forwards kneeling besides Bill my eyes wide as I take in his injuries.

"Is he dead?" Bill croaks out his voice weak.

"Nope. Just knocked out for now." I draw my wand up "aguamenti" water falls on Bills face briefly clearing the blood away so I can see the three long gashes.

"Bill!" Fleur Delacour falls down besides me her hands grasping Bill's. "What happened?" Tears flood her eyes as she looks down at the ginger man in front of her, blood pooling from his face.

"Werewolf scratch" I mutter as I run my wand along his cuts. "I can close them briefly but Madam Pomfrey will need to work on them before he goes to St Mungo's."

A strangled yell sounds from besides me as another person falls to their knees on Bill's other side. I briefly look up from my work to see Mrs Weasley clutching her hands to her chest.

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