17. House elf spies

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"You ready to go back?" Draco stands before me fully dressed his hair messy from laying on the floor but otherwise looking perfect.

"Sure" I grab my heels from the floor and hold them in my hand walking towards him.

Draco raises his eyebrow at me "do you not want to put those on?"

"Why? We are going to have to tiptoe back to the common room and may need to run away from Filch at one point. How are heels going to help me do that?"

Draco rolls his eyes as he reaches his hand out taking my shoes from me "whatever." He slides his arm around my waist as we walk from the room together the sun rising over the hills outside of the castle.

As we turn the corner of the corridor something catches my eye to the side of us, I turn my head fully looking into the doorway of an empty broom closet to see a tiny house elf crouched in the corner.

The house elf would have gone unnoticed probably if not for the large amount of knitted hats and socks he is wearing.

"Dobby?" I whisper as we continue walking past the doorway.

"What?" Draco turns his head towards me as we continue walking to the staircase.

"Huh?" I shake my head trying to clear it "nothing don't worry." I point to the bench ahead of us "can you pick up my cloak from earlier please?"

As we continue our walk to the common room I can't stop thinking about Dobby being in the closet, he was obviously watching us but why?

We stand opposite each other in the hallway leading to our dorms, Draco is still holding my robes and heels in his hands as he looks across at me.

His suit shirt is wrinkled and half done up and his hair is messy and hanging over his forehead.

"You look really beautiful" I smile at him as I say the words I always wish I could say.

Draco laughs "I do?"

I nod my head smiling widely "you really do."

"You're a very good liar, but I know you too well to believe you." Draco steps forward placing his free hand on my waist. He looks down at me his eyes growing slightly darker as he gently presses his lips against mine.

"I love you Angelica" Draco whispers as he pulls me against him "I love you but I need you to promise me that you won't get involved okay?"

I sigh and close my eyes leaning into his warmth.

"Angelica" Draco pulls back slightly, he kisses my forehead once as he steps backwards "promise me?"

"You can't ask that of me" I cross my arms annoyed "I can't help but want to help you."

Draco's face turns into a deep frown as he glares across at me "I'm not asking Angelica." He sighs annoyed and passes my shoes and cloak over to me "I'm telling you not to get fucking involved okay? You have no idea what's at stake here." He turns around and heads to his dorm without another look back at me.

I stand alone watching him close the door behind him, sighing I turn around and head to my own bed suddenly feeling the exhaustion hit me.

I knock three times on the heavy wooden door in front of me.

"Come in" a voice sounds from within the office.

"Hi" I open the door and nod my head to Snape who is sat behind his desk.

"Hello Angelica" he screws up the lid of a jar in front of him placing it to the side "what's wrong?"

I shrug "why do you assume something is wrong? Maybe I just wanted to have a friendly chat with you whilst everyone else is at dinner."

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