22. Puzzle piece

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The green glow of the dark mark disappears before my vision and is instead replaced with the darkness of the black sky above the manor.

Draco let's out a long sigh as we stare ahead at his family home, the moon and stars shine brightly down on us as we stand unmoving.

"Are you okay?" I turn to Draco looking at his face, his eyes are screwed shut as he breathes heavily.

"Truthfully?" He opens his eyes slowly as he stares up at the sky, he turns his head towards me his eyes dark "no."

I step forward and take his face in my hands "talk to me. Before we go in there talk to me."

Draco sucks in a deep breath before looking into my eyes "I failed. He's going to kill me, my mother and my father." He looks away from me and into the house "I failed and now he's going to kill me and them."

I stare at him my eyes wide "no Draco!" I grab his face turning him to look at me "he is not going to kill you or your parents. I won't allow it."

Draco screws his eyes shut "you won't be able to stop him."

I shake his shoulders annoyed "of course I will, because he will have to kill me to get to you."

Draco opens his eyes slowly looking at my face and the serious expression on it. He lets out a long breath before smiling at me however it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Okay then" he reaches his hand out to me "let's go face the fire."

I take his hand tightly "as long as we are together we can do it, right?"

Draco nods silently as he stares ahead at the haunting, ghost like manor.

Draco pushes the door open and drops his bag at the bottom of the staircase, I pull my rucksack off my back and drop it besides his before standing still and watching him.

Before when we were at Hogwarts I felt in control. I had the power and I made sure that Draco and I were safe, now however I feel lost. I'm in his family home unsure where I am supposed to go or what I am supposed to do.

"Draco?" My voice is a whisper as I watch him pacing around.

"Mmm?" He asks without looking at me his eyes fixed on the ceiling, he continues to walk up and down the entrance way his fists clenched at his sides.

"What do we do now?" I sit down on the bottom step of the staircase "where do we go?"

Draco sighs his face grave "your fathers calling for us."

I look around confused "what? How can you hear him?"

Draco stops walking and turns to look at me, a ghost of a smile passes over his face "not actually calling out to us, he's calling through the dark mark." He pulls up his sleeve where the dark tattoo writhes in his skin he points at it "he's calling for us urgently. It's starting to really burn which means he's losing patience."

I clench my jaw and nod "okay we will go." I stay exactly where I am however as I look back at his tattoo "I never asked you, when did you get it?"

"The dark mark?" Draco looks down at his arm "he made me. At Christmas."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because we were barely speaking at the time. You were being tortured by your father and my aunt and you had enough shit to deal with. This was my burden for my fathers failings."

I shake my head clearing it of the dark thoughts that just entered it. If that's what he did for Lucius losing the prophecy what will he do to Draco for not killing Dumbledore?

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