11. I will be stronger

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I fall to the ground exhausted from the morning.

"Are you okay?" I turn my head to see Draco watching me carefully his arms crossed across his chest.

I nod my head "I'm okay. Just tired."

Draco sighs and walks further into the room standing above me, his face is as neutral as ever.

I sigh and lay down fully onto the dining room floor, I stare up at the ceiling above me.

"You need to be stronger." Draco's voice is angry as he furrows his eyebrows at my position.

"Oh fuck off Draco" I push myself into a seated position "I'm trying my best. What the hell else am I supposed to do?"

Draco shakes his head "you need to be stronger Angelica. You're weak. You may be top of the class but when it comes down to it you're not strong, you're not using your magic properly."

I throw my arms up in annoyance "great! Thanks so much for the words of encouragement Malfoy."

Draco drops to his knees grabbing my shoulders forcefully "you are not listening to me." He shakes me slightly his eyes dangerous as his jaw tightens "I have spent my whole life being taught to be strong. My father has drilled into me how to use my magic to last, if I had to I could spend hours duelling. I know that because I was forced to do it as a child."

I stay silent as I stare at him my mouth open slightly from shock, I've never seen Draco so enraged before.

"You don't get it Angelica" Draco lowers his head "Hogwarts hasn't trained us for this. It's taught us how to live in the friendly and happy wizarding world, it has not taught us how to survive a fucking war." He stands upright his hands dropping to his side as he looks down at me "you're not duelling to get a high grade or a few points for your house. You're duelling to stop yourself from being killed. That's our reality now."

Before I can even begin to think of a reply Draco has turned on his heel storming from the large room.

I let out a long breath as I stare after the boy. That was bloody intense.

"Miss Angelica" I look up from the book I am reading in my bedroom to see a house elf standing in the doorway.

"Yes?" I lower the book and place it on the small table besides me.

"You's is to come to your next lessons now. Please meet the Miss in the same dining room as before." The house elf cracks out of sight as soon as it has finished speaking.

Sighing loudly I grab my wand and walk from the room my body already aching.

I turn the corner into the dining room and find the room entirely empty. No tables, no chairs just a large empty space with the portraits of  Malfoy family members hanging on the walls.

Flicking my wand between my fingers I walk further into the room, my stomach begins to clench tightly as I come to a halt in the very centre of it. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as a metallic taste fills my mouth.

Drawing my wand up I point it at the very far corner of the room, darkness seems to be rippling from it as though in waves.

"Finite incantatem." I point the spell at the corner however nothing happens, the dark shapes seem to continue to shift and pulse drawing closer and closer to me.

"That spell will not work girl." A high pitch voice grates against my ears, I spin around to see a large mess of dark curls entering the room. The woman has razor sharp cheekbones, wide dark eyes that seem to bore into your very soul and her teeth are pointed against her red lips.

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