28. The prodigal son returns

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My feet can't seem to move fast enough as I sprint up the pathway to Malfoy Manor. I can hear Snape speaking to the other Death Eaters behind me but their words are simply background noise as I run as fast as I can in my high heels. I can hear the blood pumping in my ears and my breaths coming out heavy and ragged as I burst through the large front door.

"Draco?" I call out looking around desperately.

"In here" I hear Narcissa call towards me from the downstairs drawing room.

I hurry along the corridor and open the door to see Draco laying on the green, velvet chaise longe. His mother stands over him dabbing a damp cloth to his forehead whilst Mrs Zabini stands in the corner of the room looking through different glass bottles and vials in a large trunk.

"How is he?" I ask as I rush into the room. I sit down on the floor besides him and kick off my high heels. I lean against his legs and take his hand in mine feeling how hot he is. "Why is he overheating? Did I do the spell wrong?"

Mrs Zabini tuts "no my darling, you did the spell perfectly. It's an after effect from his heart slowing and then speeding up in such a short time. It's also the dark magic pulsing through his veins." She lets an annoyed groan "oh Angelica darling come help me please I can't read these silly labels."

I stand up and walk over to her and look inside the large trunk.

"What are you looking for?"

"Wiggenweld potion. It should at least heal his fever and keep him cool whilst the dark magic leaves him."

I nod my head and look for the gold markings that usually decorate that kind of potions vial. I reach in and pull it out after seconds of looking and hand it to Mrs Zabini.

She smiles and kisses my cheek affectionately "you're an absolute gem darling."

I smile slightly and walk back to Draco taking my seat from before. I hold his hand once more and watch as Mrs Zabini drops the potion into his mouth as he remains sleeping. Within seconds I can feel his temperature returning to a normal level and the sweat on his forehead and chest seems to disappear.

"That's worked well" Mrs Malfoy smiles sadly down at her son. The lines on her face make her look exhausted and I can only imagine the pain she is in. Her seventeen year old son is fighting a war and there is nothing she can do about it.

She looks up and catches my eye offering me a reassuring smile, her brown eyes however are still full of sadness.

"You can go to bed Mrs Malfoy. I'll be here with him all night, I promise."

She nods her head and runs a hand over Draco's face "thank you dear. I'll be back in a few hours to take over from you if he isn't awake by then."

Mrs Zabini links her arm through Narcissa's and they walk from the room their heads pressed together.

All night I sit uncomfortably on the floor holding onto Draco's hand, my head rests against his stomach and I match my breathing to his.

I wake up suddenly to feel my head moving on its own accord, confused I sit up and look around. The large windows show the sun rising slowly and the morning light is pouring into the drawing room. I turn and see Draco watching me, he is sat up and his hand is still in mine but his hands are relaxed.

He looks at our hands before pulling his away quickly. He places it down by his side and clenches his jaw.

I smile at him "morning, how are you feeling?"

He nods once and shifts down the chaise lounge so there is more space between us.

"Yeah I'm fine."

I furrow my eyebrows at his behaviour "what's wrong?"

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