18. Sleep well

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"Hello dear" Madam Pomfrey nods her head at me as she walks past Draco's bed heading back to her office.

I offer her a tight smile as I shift in the plastic chair I've been sat in all night. The morning sun is slowly leaking through the windows replacing the candlelight. Draco lays on his back his eyes closed in a heavily medicated sleep, his breathes are heavy and laboured. I run a hand over his pale cheek gently and his breaths slow down marginally becoming more relaxed.

"Morning" Pansy walks into the infirmary her arms crossed over her chest.

"Hey" I let out a long sigh as I squeeze Draco's hand "how did you know where we were."

Pansy stands at the end of Draco's bed her eyes looking over his pale sleeping face.

"Snape said" she turns to look at me "I realised you didn't sleep in the dorm last night. I woke up
at five in the morning and realised I hadn't seen you since the afternoon. I went to Draco's dorm and the boys said the same thing, that they hadn't seen him for hours. I just knew instantly something was wrong, I can't explain it but something just felt weird. I went to Snape and told him what I thought and he told me you were here."

She rolls her eyes annoyed "I flipped out thinking you'd been hurt because of the way he said it. Then he told me it was Draco who had been badly hurt and that I should came see you guys. So what happened then?"

I shake my head as the images of Draco's bloody body fill my mind "I don't know truthfully. I came in to find Harry and Draco duelling, next minute Draco was on the floor bleeding out."

"Potter did this?" Pansy raises her eyebrows as she looks over Dracos bandages "so he's playing with dark magic now is he? That's ironic."

"What do you mean?"

Pansy shrugs "well he's always prattling on about you being all dark and evil, who knew he was so dark himself."

I sit in silence turning back to look over Draco's pale sleeping face.

"Well anyway" Pansy reaches her hand out to me "I'm going to get going."

I reach my hand to her squeezing hers tightly "thank you for coming Pans. It really means a lot."

She smiles at me sadly "I'm always here. Even if I might not be physically stood next to you, I'm always going to be here for you guys. Us Slytherin's have to stick together right?"

I let go of her hand letting it drop onto Draco's legs "always."

"It's nearly eight o'clock Angelica" Madam Pomfrey walks over to me her face serious. "You haven't left his side all day dear, go get something to eat and go back to your own bed tonight okay?"

I shake my head "I'm not hungry."

Madam Pomfrey fixes me with a hard stare "it was not a request dear it was an order. Go eat and sleep in your own bed, you deserve your rest."

Sighing I squeeze Draco's hand whispering into his ear "I love you, I'll be back tomorrow."

I offer Madam Pomfrey a small smile "see you in the morning."

She merely nods at me as she watches me leave the hospital wing her arms crossed over her chest.

I walk along the corridors as the spring sunshine fades into nighttime outside the castle windows.

I stand staring at the many gargoyles lining the corridors, I spin my wand through my fingers in an attempt to distract my mind. Every time I rest, relax or begin to fall asleep all I can see is Draco's body with wide gashes covering the torso. Blood spills out of him and pools around his writhing body as I sit helpless watching him.

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