Chapter 1

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Disclaim I don't own HP wish it did but I don't so yeah. I own everything else non-canon though. This is just fine for fun. There's gonna be spelling mistakes just lest me know where. It may also be a bit rushed I'm currently in her 11 studying for my GCSEs. Hope you enjoy anyway.

Everyone loves to see a hero rise, after all a new hero means a new hope and without hope what's there to live for?

"My loyal friends we are joined here today celebrating my re-birth, and of course our star guests I could never of done it without them, Harry and Stella potter," he speaks his high pitch voice matching the hisses for his snake like appearance.

Tied to a headstone in a graveyard, the area as daunting and as disturbing as the scenery. His pale inhuman appearance his cold mocking voice and his piercing crimson orbs that look straight into your soul.

"For 13 long years I have been condemned to a fate worse than death, but alas I was still alive, I must admit myself to be dissatisfied, not once did any of my loyal servants come in search of me,"

He's angry but calm and I don't know whether that's scarier or whether hun angry and violent would be. I'd rather not stick around to find out.

Slowly he makes a point of going to each and every death eater and even tortured a few their screams piercing the air but the pure look of unfiltered pain pierced my heart. Despite them being who they are no one deserves that type of treatments.

How can someone torture another so easily? Is he not still regaining strength from only being resurrected like 5 minutes ago? Is this him weak? If so, what is he like when he's at his strongest?

I completely block him and everything around me out until I hear him mention my mother.

"You see that night 13 years ago when dear lily potter gave her life for her only son and daughter, she placed a protection on you, a magic that not even I could penetrate, but alas that was old magic, I can touch you now,"

The mocking voice that pierces my ears again and again mentions my mother. How dare he. The bastard killed her and now he wants to talk about her.

Slowly like we're in a slow motion muggle movie that I see aunt petunia sometimes watch he brings his fingers pale and sickly towards our scars.

He goes for me first and I scream at the initial pain of the touch but, I felt something else a new feeling started to rise.

A rush of pure, unfiltered, raw power fills my veins and I feel myself wanting to shout out in ecstasy. I didn't know this was possible. I almost complain when he pulls away but manage to find myself last second. When I look at Voldemort's freshly resurrected body he stares back at me in blissful surprise and his thin lips tilt in a near smirk.

What the fuck? What was that?

It felt addictive, like powerful dark magic raw and never ending. Fuck.

Is that what it feels like whenever you perform a dark curse? If so I can see why there are so many dark wizards. I didn't know magic could feel so good, so addictive. So intense.

I push down the bile that rises in my throat and look away abruptly wondering what the fuck just happened.

I watch in horror as his pale stick like finger reaches to Harry's forehead and presses down on his scar emitting a bone-chilling scream that causes me to flinch, hating the sound of it.

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