Chapter 11

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What have I done? What was I thinking? I never should've done what I did, I have done some unforgivable things that I will have to pay for. I shouldn't of said what I did to Hermione.

Or tested Ron's patience, I should definitely not of accepted his impulse challenge of a duel. Nor should I have challenged Dumbledore now everyone knows my power, my friendship and concealed relationship with Adrik.

They all know my newfound distance with my best friends and it's all my fault.

Up until last week I was the beloved hero, the saviour of the wizarding world who would defeat Voldemort once more. Now I'm on par with the one they all hoped I'd kill.

I didn't think I was evil, I never wished to be nor did I ever try on the contrary I tried to be the best I could for someone with no role models to mimic.

The fear I feel around those i used to call friends is so overwhelming and I wasn't prepared for the volume of hate I would receive. But it's too late to go back now. I never wanted to hurt anyone, the more I tell myself these things the more it feels like I'm lying to myself.

It's been a week and it's been a week of isolation, I haven't spoken to anyone. The last time I spoke to anyone more than I had to was when I met Adrik.

It is 9pm the bell of the astronomy tower dings educating me on the fact, my mind is racing and my heart thudding in my chest. My palms are sweaty and I have a half a mind to turn around and leave.

"You came, it's nice to see you firefly" I chew nervously on my bottom lip, there goes that plan. I nod my head suddenly mute.

Adrik takes another step towards me so my face is practically touching his chest and I hear a noise behind me.

I turn to look and see a majestic door of green and silver appear.

"After you firefly" despite the warnings going off in my head I do as he says and enter the room his mind formulated. He is wearing jeans, a black tee and his prefect badge hands tightly onto it.

His hair is a mess like he's ran his hand through it a thousand times and I find myself wanting to do the same, so soft and silky looking. His eyes are as unnerving as always deep and dark like I'm peering right into his corrupted soul.

His skin is looking even paler under this dim light and as I take a look at my surroundings I'm in awe. There is a chandelier miles above where I'm standing, there is a sofa made from leather with cushions that look so comfy.

The floor is a black teddy bear material and i long to feel it on my skin, I can't remember the last time I held a teddy or anything this comfortable looking.

The walls are silver and everything looks so rich. There is even a bed, fully black with little snake figures sowed in.

This place is amazing.

"So, why did you want to see me? Why did you put the dark mark above Umbridge? Won't someone be able to trace your wand? What if someone finds out what we did? You made it look so easy like you do it all the time, how many have you killed?" I speak question after question before I am cut off by Adriks bored voice.

"One question at a time firefly, I wished to see you because I can, i wanted to talk to you where prying eyes are not a concern. I did that because it's what is expected, they won't trace mine for the same reason they won't trace yours, no one will know anything unless you tell them, it is easy once you get used to it and have the right motivation. How many? I've killed 231 people, umbridge was the 231st person,"

I look at him in cold shock, how many?

Darling if you truly believe that is a lot you're in for one devastating surprise when you understand the extent of how many i and my older followers have killed.

That is true, I am not quite prepared to find out. But I'm sure a lot of them deserved it, like umbridge or was in self defence.

If that is what makes you feel better than you can gladly believe that to be so, what about your own experiences darling? Would you say Lily and James Potter deserved it? Hmm.

I ignore what he says because I am not yet ready to accept the harsh reality I am walking into.

"You're so strong firefly, your magic could be so much more if you wanted it to be, you have so much raw potential that is just itching to be unlocked, I could feel your power radiating from you when we tortured Umbridge,

The way our magic United as one was addicting, I can still remember the rush in my veins, the way my cock throbbed when I felt how fucking wet you was for me.

You being turned on by torturing a woman with the aid of a death eater is truly exhilarating," he takes a step closer with every word until he has me cornered against a wall.

His voice is rough and his eyes are hungry, he is the hunter I am the prey. I feel like he's a starving man and I am his last meal. He lowers his head so his mouth is against my ear.

"You were so fucking hot, I wanted to rip off your clothes and fuck you raw up against that wall. When I felt your clit and felt how wet you was I was so fucking hard, once I had gotten a taste of just how sweet you was I knew I needed more, I went back to my dorm and I came so fucking hard at the thought of you sucking my cock like a good fucking slut,"

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