Chapter 2

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Oh no, is my main thought as i sit beside my brother at the Gryffindor table. The pink toad that was at mine and Harry's trials is here as our DADA professor.

Ugh and I was hoping for a tiny bit of a break from messed up Professors this year.

I look to Harry and from his expression I can tell he was thinking the same. A frown creases my forehead and a migraine batters my head. Can this year get any worse.

I look to the snakes table and see Adrik looking at me. He smirks and winks darkly, yes, yes I think it can.

I blink and look away uncomfortable from looking into his endless orbs and stare back at my food.

I sigh, the table is tense, none of my friends utter a word and I hate it. We didn't talk much on the train because I slept and we haven't spoken much and now that we have the chance they don't know what to say.

They think I'm being distant, withdrawn and harsh on them, and yes they'd be correct but that doesn't mean they have to show it. I'm going through some things and I want a distraction. But no they keep
On pushing needing to know what going on so they can help.

The next morning I wake up and see I'm the only one in the dorms to be awake. So taking advantage of the situation I hop into the shower and let my thoughts and last nights nightmares run down the drain.

I twist my head trying to relive the ache from my scar but I can't help it. It really fucking hurts and to make things better Dumbledore is ignoring me and Harry.

So sad, being ignored by your mentor, being pressured by your friends.

I silently agree with the voice in my head despite it being my own. How ridiculous.

"Great now I'm talking to myself," once I'm finished in the bathroom, I go to the shared mirror and fix my inform up, unlike Harry I spent some of the money left to us on more clothes, a bit more expensive clothes, muggle and magic.

Right now I'm wearing a plaited red and black skirt, a black tee and my Hogwarts robe. I brush my fiery red hair out and decide to put it up into a low ponytail.

Still a bit frustrated and my mind swirling with pent up anger I decide to go on a walk around the castle before breakfast as it's only 5:30am.

After a few minutes of walking I hear hushed voices talking, I go to walk on by not really giving a crap but stop short as I hear a melodic hissing from within there.

I quietly creep up to the door, and put my ear against it. I don't know why I did that it was quite careless and reckless but I needed to hear that hiss again.

The only snake I ever really talked to was the garden snakes that would find me, the one that Malfoy set on Harry second year and the boa in the zoo. So it's weird now to be hearing one and there being no hidden agenda or a rushing need that makes me unable to talk to it for long.

Suddenly the voices go silent and the door is yanked open causing me to fall to the ground.

"Firefly, what are you doing firefly? We're you spying on us? Hmm" a cold hand lifts up my chin forcing me to look into his demonic eyes, his face comes closer. He raises an eyebrow but other than that remains expressionless.

I shake my head negative and try to look away but his forceful but not painful grip to too tight to let me do so.

"No? Then what were you doing standing outside of an unused classroom at 5:30 in the morning with you ear pressed against the door while we're talking."

His melodic and smooth yet cold voice whispers softly though it's heard by everyone occupying the room. I look around the room as best as I can with his grip still remaining. The whole gang of the Midnight Serpents is there along with Millicent Bullstrode and Pansy Parkinson who give me equally harsh and disgusted glares.

I also notice notice a midnight toned snake around 2-3 feet in length and the weight of a small baby lurking around the room hissing its forked tongue darting out and it's mouth opening to show its very venomous looking fangs.

It looks straight at me and I nearly gasp, it's eyes are beautiful, a crimson red, a deep rich colour that means so much.

My head gets jerked around a bit and I'm brought back to looking into Adriks eyes.

"I asked you a question, answer it," again he whispers and other than the hauntingly hypnotic serpent hissing there is no other sound.

"The snake, I woke up up this morning and couldn't sleep, so I decided to take a walk to kill time before breakfast starts and when I was walking past, I heard the snake. I wasn't planning and sticking around but I don't know,"

My fearful eyes look into his and he gives me a brief smirk before he gets up and pushed me down so my back hits the stone floor causing me to groan.

I see him and Kace share a what I can only describe as sadistic and deathly smirk silently agreeing on something. I go to reach for my wand but quickly stop.

Yes don't pull out you wand, you don't need it yet these boys won't hurt you, they are like friends, they haven't any intentions to harm you.

Foolishly I decide to trust the voice and just keep a watchful scared eye on them.

Kace moves around the room further away from me and for a moment I think he's taking out a secret stash of murder weapons but instead is holding the hypnotic scales in his hand.

"You wanted to meet her? You were so interested in her? Here you go." I look at the piercing red eyes that so much remind me of Voldemort and I bring my hand forward and gently begin to stroke her head.

At first she hisses and try's to bite of my hand but soon clams down when she realises my intentions.

"Hello sweetheart, what's you name?"

I unknowingly hiss and hear a grunt of recognition from one of the boys and I'm sure one of them whispered they forgot of my ability.

"You speak my sacred language my name is Naomi, what is your reason for being here at this time little hatchling?"

"I didn't want to deal with the awkward silence and pressuring comments of my friends in the common room so I made sure to come down early, I was going on a walk to kill time and I heard you, it's been a while since I talked to a snake and it's never been in a proper manner so it's nice, plus I couldn't sleep,"

I answer truthfully and I smile a small smile at the snake, Naomi.

I cast a tempo after a few moments and see I've been here for nearly half an hour, it now 6:03. I groan and rush to get up wincing at my saw back feels the pain of open wound that were only just healing.

"Did I say you could leave, little lady?" Alec grabs onto my arm and I force myself not to flinch away from him.

"Look I need to go, my friends and Harry are going to have a fit I've already had enough hassle off of them the last few weeks I'd appreciate a breakfast in peace at least,"

I say without thinking and gasp when he lets go of my arm he nods his head towards the door and I take it as my cue though I take one look at the girls in the room and see the envious, hate filled glares fixed solely on me.

I ignore it and turn away heading towards the great hall.

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