Chapter 6

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The clock to the astronomy tower rings, the light of the sun shines in, the ache in my head makes itself known. Walking through the halls of Hogwarts fills me with a nostalgic and peaceful feeling.

I smile lightly as the magic of Hogwarts follows through my veins. My hand tightens and my face clenches in anger when I catch sight of the freshly applied scar. Forever engraved to my skin.

This is considerably the most dangerous time for me at the moment for Harry to and in the one lesson that could possibly teach us to defend ourselves even for a few moments is having a no magic approach because she's deluded, blinded by the cats and all that pink that she prides herself with.

It is 10 am and it will be soon time for DADA.

My dear darling, remember what we spoke about. What it is you have to do, your safety is most important. You are most important focus only on that.

I don't respond but I don't need to I already know what I have to do and I already have rehearsed it thousands of times in my head.

"Hey firefly," I jump as a dark whisper sounds in my ear, a chill runs down my spine and I don't look back. His front presses to my back and I can feel his warm breath on my neck.

"Have you been avoiding me firefly? Hmm? Did your little boyfriend tell you he doesn't like you near us?" It is true I have been avoiding them but I won't admit that. I have been going to some extreme measures including throwing myself off the astronomy tower but I did remember I have magic.

I stand in the tower looking up at the lights that shine down on the earth like a protector like angels.

In this imperfect world it's peaceful to see something that isn't stained with blood, guilt or suspicion. I move my wand gently along the walls of the tower the pillars lighting up in a luminous glow.

"No Draco I'm telling you, it's going to happen soon. It has to," I jump as I hear a voice.

"Well it had better hurry the fuck up because I'm getting impatient here, he's taking his sweet old time and we're having to go around playing perfect student," I'm confused and don't know why "he" is but I panic as I realise the voices are getting closer.

I recognise one voice as Alec and the other is Draco. Shit if they find me here I'm dead. Draco is head it and if that's not enough then he's dangerous. I was reckless recently but I've got to stay clear of them.

I look around me seeing what I can do but all I can see is the way they're coming up and the balcony. So my smart ass jumps.

I jump and it takes all I have not to scream at myself. The voice in my head curses me and I suddenly remember I am a witch I have magic.

"Aresto momentum," I whisper as I'm about to fall to my death.

There was another incident when I locked myself in the broom cupboard.

I read my book quietly as it's now getting late in the halls of Hogwarts, my mind is far too active and if I was to stay in the dorms I would definitely go out of my mind.

I am quite unsure why it is that my mind is so busy.

I hear footsteps echo off the walls of which I am stood between and panic seizes my heart and panic floods my stomach as I hear them.

Good gosh who is it?

"Who is there?" It's Draco fucking Malfoy. He's head boy and doing his rounds fuck.

I look around and panic all I have is a stuffy cupboard with brooms bit it will have to do.

I run up to it as quietly as I can, which isn't very quiet at all, and hide in it. I look the door with a spell and watch through the cracks.

Draco tried to open the door but stops after a few moments. I thought he was going to counter the spell but smirks and walks off.

I breathe a sigh of relief and continue my reading in peace and silence.

A few days ago, when I was sat in the dorms with Harry and our friends they told me that they was concerned how long I was spending with the serpents.

We're sat at the fire currently and trying to warm up as the nights are getting colder.

"Hey Stella, we wanted to talk to you about something. Something important. We are concerned about you, you've been acting really distant lately and you've not been acting like yourself.

You've been hanging around with the snakes and you know they are kids of death eaters. You walked into the great hall after being missing all night looking like they'd slept with you," Hermione states in a patronising voice.

Ron of course carries on,

"Yeah, we love you Stella and we're worried they're using you and I don't like Adrik, he is evil and will hurt you he's a manipulative maniac who is exactly like his mother and master,"

"We have made a club, called Dumbledores army and we are going to it so I can teach DADA in the way it is meant to be taught a select few will go there to learn magic and we all walk away having gained some knowledge on how to protect ourselves,"

Harry's comment surprised me.

"What? How long has this been going on? Why are you only telling me this now?"

"Come on stella I wanted to, I did but you've been so distant and far these days we don't even get to talk to you without you snapping at us. You are more than welcome to join us but you have to stop hanging around with that lot. They're dangerous,"

So that was that they gave me a headache and I felt angry but I remembered to control it and ignore it.

"N-no! Why would I do that? I've just been busy lately and he's not, he isn't my boyfriend," he laughs his breathe hitting my neck all the same his hands re at my waist and slide to my stomach he rests his head on my shoulder.

He trails more kisses down my neck and I have to bite back a moan, I have to stop we have to stop if Harry or the guys catch me like this they'll probably kill me themselves.

He sucks at the tender flesh that separates my neck and my shoulder and I lay my head back into his hard chest, fuck it feels good. One of his hands travels up to my breast while the other goes to my neck.

I gasp as his tightens his grip on my neck he's playing with me, showing me he is in control and fuck I love it I love the feeling of giving up control to someone so powerful someone so dangerous.

His hand stays on my neck while other squeezes and pinched my nipple tenderly making me shiver, shit we could get caught here. There's nothing stopping it but there's nothing stopping Adrik either.

His breathe fans my ear as he leans in even closer.

"Firefly oh firefly. So gullible, so naive. Thinking it would be so easy. You think we'd get disinterested in you just because your squib of a boyfriend wanted you all to himself,"

"I already told you," I'm cut off there with his hand squeezing tighter and the kisses becoming harsher.

"You're wrong Firefly we're here to stay, we're here with you. No matter what your squib boyfriend says, understand?" He slaps my ass and gives me one last kiss before he turns around.

"Meet me at the place where all desires are found and lost," what?

How cryptic can he be? Meet me at the place all desires are found and lost? I don't even know what that means never mind where it is.

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