Chapter 3

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The next few weeks pass by in a bit of rush but it still feels like forever, my friends and Harry keep wanting to know what's wrong and why I won't talk to them because it could help, honestly I am getting kind of fed up with them.

I feel guilty for pushing them away and being such a bitch to them but I just want them to act normal around me not like I'm a fragile doll that could break in seconds.

Malfoy and his gang seem to catch me in the most weird of times and always without warning. I'm also talking to myself a lot lately so that's great.

As I'm walking through the corridor busy with children and staff, I think about how shit this year has been and we're hardly even into the school year yet.

It's the third week of October and good god I don't think my mind can take any more. It's going to explode I swear. Unfortunately I have potions with Professor Snape and while he doesn't treat me as bad as he treats Harry he definitely doesn't treat me like I'm not a parasite that won't get lost.

"Sit down you retched dunderheads and be quiet, this years The headmaster has decided beneficial students shall sit near those from another house," groans from around the room and I roll my eyes, of course he did.

I huff disappointed, here I thought I'd have a fairly normal year for once.

"Miss Potter, you will sit next to Mr. LeStrange," why does the world hate me so much? Begrudgingly I move from my space and sit on the left side of Alec and make no move to acknowledge him.

"What? No hey? No how are you? Little lady?" I look to him and he must of seen the dark circles framing my eyes like I've been punched in the face. I feel like shit and must look like it as well.

He stays quiet for a while while Snape explains the theory of the wit- sharpening potion or in other words he says here is the task, if you've not opened a book that's not my problem and here's to fifty points being taken from your house. If it's his house then he'll let it go, of course.

Thankfully today were only writing down an essay on the potion and will be making it next lesson, unfortunately it's with the person of whom is sitting next to you who is to work with you.

5009 words, 3 mental breakdowns, 2 explosions from Seamus and 1 too many 'mr. Potter 30 points for breathing to damn heavily without my permission,' in more or less words, I'm finally free of the classroom.

Thank God. I run from the room and only slow down when I need to catch my breathe.

I'm in the courtyard and as expected it's empty. It's currently Transfiguration but with Dada being next lesson I have to unwind.

I'm going to explode. I feel frustrated and angry. Why must they treat me like a child too incompetent to be left alone with the weight of the adult world, I'm even older than Harry.

By two minutes but still.

A few months ago I would've loved having them talk to me, patronising and judging my every move treating my feelings as an inconvenience and a burden in this flawed society.

I breathe deeply and look up to the cold autumn sky. Clouds of grey and white mix together and form a beautiful symphony of freedom.

You will also be free soon, just wait. It's within reach. Relax never let them see your anger. It's emotion and that fact alone makes it a weakness and what happens when you have a weakness?

When you have a weakness you become vulnerable and when that happens you are set up for failure, humiliation and death.

Good girl, remember that. They can't hurt you with things they know not of.

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