Chapter 8

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Double update for you

Umbridge freezes and narrows her eyes. It's still my voice but it sounds darker, more violent and cold. And by the reflection of a photo on her desk I can see my eyes are now red.

She clearly noticed it too because she goes to lift her wand again but Tom is too fast for her.

I have no control and am at the complete mercy and vulnerability of the one who until recently wanted me dead, for all I know he still does. I can't control anything. All I can do is think and feel.

Feel what he feels, think the worst case of everything.

Already free from the restraints he channels my magic and bends it to his will. He takes my wand and casts Petrificus Totalus. She is frozen in time, fear stricken and alone on the cold stone floor.

At Toms feet and he bends down to her, he trails his finger along her face and gives her a very hard backslap that leaves a harsh red mark and if she was able to move she's definitely of shouted at the force.

I suddenly feel myself back in control of my body and my magic, my wand in my control and Tom back in mind.

Confused I ask Tom what's going on.

It is time to make your decision darling, she tortured you. She humiliated you, she tried to kill you. She tried to make you weak, she tried to control you. What do you want to do to her? She is your victim.

You can torture her in the same way she did you, make her go as crazy as Longbottoms parents. You can kill her, quickly. slowly, however you wish. Or you could let he go and allow her to think that she won superiority over you because she will know you're too weak to stand up against her. It is your choice.

But if I harm or kill her wont I be caught won't I go to Azkaban? Won't I-

No, I will handle that, all that happens here will stay between only those who are truly trustworthy unless you decide otherwise.

The door to the classroom opens and I curse as I remember all her spells have now king since warm off due to her, unfortunate situation.

I panic and cast an invisibility spell on Umbridge before anyone can walk in.

To my shock I see it's Adrik. His eyes are bright and they're looking at me his eyes narrowed.

"What are you doing, firefly?"

His dark voice echoes as he gets closer. I continue to look, a deer caught in headlights. I can't move I can't speak it's like he too has cast the full body bind on me.

I finally find my voice and manage to nutter a few words.

"What are you doing here?" Even though I ask him the same question I didn't answer moments before he takes no sign of repeating himself and answers.

"Well firefly it's dinner, you wasn't there and so I came to look for you. I know your little squib of a boyfriend told you to stay clear of me but I was never one to follow the rules," I glare at him when he calls Ron that.

He is my friend and isn't a squib.

"Revelio," I didn't even notice that he had his wand drawn until now. I gasp as I look behind me to see umbridge still petrified but for all to see.

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