Chapter 5

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His demonic eyes shine in the dimly lit dungeon and I feel cornered in here. Good gosh, I'm in their territory and if they want to do something anything I know they can and they will.

"Your hand, it has wrapped and cream has been applied. In a few days it should be painless however the scar will be lasting due to the magic of which was used for this process,"

His words cut me deep and I feel deflated, another scar to add to my collection.

We will get our revenge do not worry, for now do not pay attention to her antics she is asserting dominance and is trying to intimidate you. It will not work don't let it work. Be careful how you play this game, darling.

I keep my expression clear but mentally nod in agreement. This is so unfair I did nothing to deserve it. Nothing at all.

"So then darling, what happened during the tournament? When you went into the maze. Our parents are keeping very quiet and won't tell us much so that leaves, you, the band of fried chickens and the Dark lord to tell us. And well as I'm sure you've guessed you're the only one who will tell us,"

I look at them in suspicion what do I say? Only Harry and me know the whole story we didn't tell everyone else. They only a bit of what happened.

"Well, when we, me, Harry and Cedric reached the cup we touched it at the same time and it was actually a port key, it took us to a graveyard I guess. It was dark and eerie, as soon as we got their we saw a cauldron and it had this thick looking potion in it.

Wormtail, he killed Cedric with the killing curse under Voldemorts orders and he was dead. We was then tied to a grave it was massive and we couldn't move. He cut off his hand and took blood from our arms and it all went into the potion Voldemort then followed and after a weird recital of a spell he was back. Voldemort is back, Voldemort duelled Harry but I disarmed Voldemort and we escaped with the port key and you know the rest,"

I keep my head down but I know they're all looking at me, my scar is itchy and it hurts just like every other time I think of Voldemort.

They look at me in wonder and Alec smirks, they look delighted actually. They're all heartless and have no feelings.

That's because they're strong, they aren't weak, remember emotions are weak and they will get the better of you if you allow them. They will get you nowhere, they are smart and they know this. Follow their lead and you will also be strong. Darling. Breathe and clear your mind and the pain will be no different than anything else. Remember it is all a weakness and doesn't benefit you, if it doesn't benefit you then you don't need it. If you don't need it get rid of it.

I sigh as I realise the voice is right, Emotions are weak, Cedric dying was tragic but I can't let it affect me, I can't show emotion or feel emotion or it will get me killed even faster.

I do as the voice says and breathe. Pain is a weakness and something I don't need.

Good girl

"What spells? What spell did you and your brother use?" He asks and continues when I look confused.

I hesitate but soon answer Adrik anyway. "Voldemort used Avada Kadavra, Harry used expelliamus and I used Examare," I really do hesitate when I say this, I don't know why they need to know but alas.

Adrik smirks at me, "my my, we are naughty aren't we?" He chuckles and strokes my cheek, I stop myself from flinching but gasp as his hand touches me. It is warmer than I expected. I suppose I thought it would be as cold as his heart.

"Hmm, thank you firefly that was very helpful, we greatly appreciate it," I smile tightly and nod.

"Oh Drakey, Drakey you'll never guess what the potter whore has only gone and got herself lost, haha the golden clan is going insane because they haven't seen her since last night, you sho-" Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bullstrode stop short at the sight of me, the missing potter whore as they put it, siting on their sofa.

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