Chapter 13

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It's been a week since then and I've avoided everyone as much as I can, I've had a few run ins with Adrik but other than that I've shut myself away from everyone.

Obviously Tom wouldn't leave me alone it seems I'm stuck with him.

Everyone is in the dorms packing up to go home and as much as I hate going to the Dursley's house we haven't got a choice this year everyone has to go they haven't told us why but I can only guess.

Hermione looks at me as I stand by my bed and pack away what little I actually have. I can't believe I'm being forced to go to their house.

"Stella, Harry wanted you to know he has been invited to stay with Sirius for the Christmas break, you was invited as well, we don't think it would be best though because of recent events," I hear her words but don't say a thing in return.

I close my trunk and place a feather weight charm on it, I lift and carry it from my dorm and navigate my way to the platform which takes what feels like forever to reach.

I am not staying with Harry and Sirius. I can't possibly spend the entire weak with them acting like everything is normal.

I am not going to live with muggles for a week Stella, there is something I need from Grimauld place that I believe is still there.

Too bad you should of thought about that and you're acting like you have to be in my head, just leave for a week then return it's simple.

I'm not getting you something from anything to do with any of them. If you need something get one of your oh so loyal servants to do it.

Watch the attitude Stella, while others may be more lenient or subject to emotions overwhelming them I am neither of them. You may be special to me Stella but I am not above crucioing you to teach you a lesson in basic respect.

Gosh I get it you cranky old man.

I roll my eyes and ignore all else done and said, when I finally get on the train I manage to find an empty compartment, of course luck isn't ever with me and the golden trio enter my compartment.

Hermione sits next to me and the boys sit opposite us, everything is really awkward and it's not long until we're on our way. It's only a 4 hour and some journey.

I roll my eyes, this is why I can't spend the whole break with them.

"So Stella, we don't think it's best to go to Grimauld house with us, we haven't told Sirius what happened yet but when we do he might not want you there, I am sure you'll be fine at the Dursleys you always have been before"

Is that some type of shit attempt at a fucking joke?


I wasn't going to go but now if I don't it will look like I am doing what he tells me to and I can't have that. Fucking cocky bastard.

I feel Toms cockiness.

I smirk a bit as he tells me what a shock Sirius is in for. A dark god daughter he will be mortified.

"What happened to you Stel? You're not the same girl you was at the start of the year, you're so closed off, always cold, you don't hang out with us, you was disrespectful to Dumbledore you're keeping things to yourself it's not like you Stel, what happened? Maybe we can help, we won't judge you, we can still forgive you if you tell us now,"

Hmm, they will forgive you, they say they won't judge you yet they've already got you down as the villain, someone who needs their forgiveness, it is their fault, everything that has happened is their fault. They don't show you the same support they show Harry no one does.

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