Chapter 14

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"Guess I'm not as saved as you hoped I would be, what did you think? You'd come in here, console the poor confused naive girl who's been manipulated by the evil side? You think with a few long sentences, with words so uneducated that you actually sounded pitiful, that you'd be able to help me?

That what? I was so desperate for your forgiveness that one chance and I'd be jumping at the opportunity because after all i'm the poor orphan girl who needs saving. I am not able to help myself because I don't know any better,"

They all look at each other in desperation, it's sad to be honest how desperate they look. It's weak to let your emotions show.

It will destroy them before any one else ever does.

"Do you know any better? Because your poor judgment would say you don't, you're deciding that people who don't know you, people that don't care about you, people who only care for your power are more important than those who truly know you, those who have been there for you through everything,"

I look at Ron, I arch my eyebrow at him defying any emotion that wishes to show.

"Really Ronald? You didn't care for who I was before you knew my name, every year when something goes to shit you leave them make a miraculous reappearance when it suits you. Anything for fame and money because that's all you want from me, I saw the way your face lit up when you saw the money we had first year,"

Ron looks betrayed like I was stabbing him in the chest for ever suggesting that he doesn't care for me, I look straight into his eyes and he looks desperately back at mine like he's begging for me to tell him what he wants to hear.

I won't though, I can't.

We are roughly half way into our journey now and as the trolley comes around I get up and leave the compartment.

I can't stand to be in there a moment longer.

I take a walk through the train but come to a halt when I see professor Trelawney she is shaking, sitting on the floor between the seats and I go to carry on but I hear her start to speak.

"Those with the power to defeat the dark lord are among us again,
A betrayal of trust leaves all hope lost, a loss of love will worth all in its cost,
The power of the defeat lies in the key, but the key at such price for nothing is free,
A loss of the key to all will crumble, for the pride of theirs will be quick to humble,
Betray the key not for neutral is the ground, until a side is chosen silent is the future as it stands,
Those with the power to defeat the dark lord are among us again,"

What the actual fuck? Crazy bitch.

I know that's about me and Harry and Tom called me the Key a while ago but there's no way that's all true she's mad.

I shake my head and continue walking, I've been walking for ages before I finally need to sit down. Unfortunately no compartment is empty and I just want silence.

I leave the Gryffindor part of the train and carry on into the other sections hoping to stumble across an empty compartment. Unfortunately I do not and I am now sitting on the floor.

My back is fucking killing me and my feet are crying out in protest needing to properly rest. Something I'm not letting them do. For goodness sakes.

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