Chapter 4

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That woman is the worst, I swear. She's acting like she's in charge, what a bitch.

Remember she may not be in charge but she has influence and until you have the upper hand you must stay hidden in the shadows.

A bit hard for that she already has it out for me, apparently I am a death eater in training and need to be looked at closely.

Just stay out of trouble and get in her good books after that everything will go to plan. Tell her you're sorry, you made a mistake. The trauma of the boy dying made you wish to blame someone.

Huh not bad I guess but wouldn't that be, I don't know going against his memory or against Harry and Dumbledore.

Don't worry about that darling, worry about only yourself.

I guess.

Since arriving back at Hogwarts everything has gone wrong. Umbitch has bought in ridiculous rules I.E male and females are not permitted within 2 feet of each other.

If you fail to raise your hand in class it's an immediate invite to torture. Also known as detention with her.

If you breathe to heavily without her permission detention for being uncivil and planning a revolt against her and taking one against her means taking one against the ministry.

My favourite is how she walks around like a pureblood treating them so much better, giving them extra points for getting other houses in trouble. Though she's a halfblood herself. A poor one at that.

Right now I'm walking to detention Harry has his with Snape. She thought if we were doing it together we'd kill her or something.

It is also the perfect punishment for the both of them really.

I reach her office door and knock my fingers against it three times.

"Come in," her childish voice giggles from the other side. Lord give me strength or a way to escape. Maybe if the death eaters or even Voldemort attacks right now I won't have to sit in this monstrosity of a room. There a 20 dozen plates with cats plastered over them and the whole room is pink!

Baby pink. Eww as if being alone with her wasn't already torture enough now I have to deal with this.

"Take a seat miss potter and write out what you really are," I look at her and raise an eyebrow. I know what she means but surely she can't be serious.

"Fine, how many times?" She just smiles and tells me how ever many it takes to sink in.

"Ah ah. There will be no need for that. I have for you a, special quill. You don't need any ink for this," though I'm confused and very sceptical I proceed to do as she says.

As I'm writing down what she wants I feel an itching, burning sensation and see that what I'm writing is being craved into my skin.

What a sick fuck. Sadistic lowlife bitch.

"Problem?" She questions after I stop writing. I just shake my head and look back to my paper.

I clench my teeth and continue with my work despite the urge to turn her into a frog and feed her to Sirius or better yet Naomi. Ever since I met her we've become quite close. I'd imagine it gets a bit lonely when no one around you speaks your language.

We all meet up in the abandoned classroom every Saturday Fortnight at 5 am.

When I'm finally done I'm close to tears and blood is dripping down my hand. It burns and itches and I fucking hate the feeling. She scarred my skin.

Fucks sake I already had a scar on my forehead like that wasn't enough.

I write and continue writing despite the trickling blood, Fuck it hurts. I feel like crying.

Don't cry. Don't think about the pain, she'll see the weakness. Remember what we talked about. Breathe, calm yourself focus on your magic and let it flow through you flaming and igniting every nerve.

I do as the voice says and start to feel better almost instantly. I am forced to write over 1000 lines  and despite how much it hurt I kept at it.

Finally when I'm able to leave the room, I lean up against the wall. I finally allow a tear to fall. No one is around and my hand is throbbing.

Filthy half bloods shouldn't tell lies

Is a saying now forever engraved into my skin marring it for life. Fuck is this illegal? It sure feels it.

I choke a laugh, but then if it's illegal no one would care. Who after all would believe the girl who tells lies? The deluded and confused girl with problems?

"Firefly?" I'm halfway down the wall by now clenching my hand to my chest trying anything to stop the pain.

I look up through teary eyes and see Draco, Alec and Adrik.

I try and pull myself together and stand up. But of course I'm having a day of utter shit and go tumbling into Dracos arms.

I feel lightheaded and the room is spinning. The nausea is hitting and I feel so weak, so tired.

"Hey little lady, relax it's ok we've got you," despite the warnings screaming at me I listen and welcome the darkness as my body melts in the hands of the platinum blonde snake.

I groan, my head is killing me. The lights are dimmed low and the voices are nothing more than whispers that stop on cue with my groan.

My eyes flutter open and in the time that takes to happen I feel movement in my torso and it makes me squirm a bit.

Opening my eyes they are blurry for a few minutes until they finally adjust back to the light of the dark room. I look around me and silver snakes line the walls, green emits from the windows showing the black lake and black dominates the interior background design.

To add to my increased confusion I see Draco and Alec standing on the wall to my left and I can see now that I am lying on an emerald green sofa. This is probably the most comfortable thing ever.

Do I have to move? Please say no. Cue sad face.

I feel more movement on my torso and look down and nearly scream in fright when i see a snake.

"Relax human it's only me, Naomi. You're safe little human,"

"Naomi, what's going on? Where am I?"

I remember passing out in Dracos arms but this isn't the infirmary. I look around and see Draco now sitting one of the other sofas with Adrik and Theo. This is such a dangerous situation for me to be in.

There's nothing stopping them from torturing me and finding out any information for Voldemort or their fathers.

Relax darling, you're safe here with them. You're in the Slytherin Common room and they bought you here to heal and not have to answer questions.

I suppose that makes sense.

I'm grateful that I don't have to answer their questions especially Harry's. They still keep going on at me and I can't take it.

Disturbingly I see everyone looking at me and cast down my eyes though I look to Naomi and silently ask her what's going on.

"Dear Humans so weird, you've been zoned out for 5 minutes," what? How the fuck did that conversation take 5 minutes?

She rolls her eyes, can sakes roll their eyes? I don't know.

Kace comes to my side and bends down so we're face to face. His demonic blue eyes hypnotising me and pulling me into the dangerous waters of hell. If I'm not careful I'll get burned.

"Well darling, I think it's about time we had a chat, no?" His deep voice whispers close to my ear making me shiver.

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