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" attorney woo, " the older woo looked up to be met with those eyes of lee jun — ho. the lee sat beside her, gently holding her hand once again. the younger woo eyed their intertwined hands yet again, before reaching out to hold the other. a soft chuckle erupts from the girl's lips, holding a soft, yet warm smile.

" he should've punched me, not you, " young — woo muttered in her signature accent. jun — ho let go of her hand as he went to fetch some water, the hand he left holding an ice pack as she pressed it against her swollen cheek. a sigh erupts from her lips, while she watched young — woo look at their hands with a smile plastered on the younger's lips.

" you like it that much? " seon — young asked. young — woo looked up at her with her smile still plastered on her lips, " nae, "

running feet takes both of them away from their little moment to reveal jun — ho with the rest on the attorneys. her gaze flickers to the kwon who seemingly liked the fact that she got punched— his smirk proves so. jun — ho hands her an open bottle of water.

" is it bad? " choi su — yeon asks, poking her cheek with a finger.

" ow! " seon — young whined, chuckling quietly as su — yeon apologised quickly. the lee retrieves the water bottle, watching as young — woo keeps patting her sister's bag. after a few moments, the younger woo begins to tap her sister's shoulder. seon — young looked at her, and soon understood. she pulled out the headphones from her bag, chucking them into her small hands gently. " are you scared? "

young — woo nodded quickly before pushing the headphones on.

" young — woo had a panic attack earlier, " jun — ho explained, watching seon — young who nodded. " i think it subsided when she held your hand. "

" mr. park is so violent. he even hit a lawyer! " su — yeon chucked an empty water bottle into min — woo's face, imitating a punch. min — woo kept moving from side to side, " a — atleast he calmed down! " su — yeon smirked when the water bottle finally hit him in the nose.

" at least it's not too bad. hey, your mouth's not bleeding right? " attorney jung asked, adding a joking tone at the end of the sentence. seon — young chuckled dryly, " no, at least it's not bleeding. " 

" ah, attorney jung, about that attempted murder case, when's the trial? " a sigh came from the jung, a sense of worry hinting his voice, " you should worry about yourself, not the case, " seon — young shook her head, " i — " 

" attorney woo, worry about yourself first, " the lee boy pleaded. seon — young sighed, but nodded in defeat. " your cheek is even swollen. how hard was that punch? " su — yeon Then motioned to her nose, a piece of tissue clouded with blood blocking her left nostril. " your nose even bled, " 

seon — young plucked the tissue out, wiping her nose with a clean one then throwing the used one on the trash can beside her. 

" i'm hungry, let's eat! " she grabbed young — woo's wrist, who stumbled, struggling to keep up with her sister. jun — ho laughed at her antics before dragging the other attorneys with him. 

this is the longest chapter i have wrote for this! thanks for reading with me! 

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