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a suppressed, monotone groan escapes the older woo's lips. a clutch of files pooled in her small hand, hastily making her way to the court room. exhaling, woo seon — young walked into the court room. a few days ago, her investigations were continuously ruined by the one and only kwon min — woo. 

" attorney woo, i think these criminal records can be used as evidence on the case. "  lee jun — ho spoke quietly. a hum fairly responds the lee's concerns, taking the files out of his hands. seon — young nods gleefully, grinning. " yes, thank you, jun — ho. " 

jun — ho's ears visibly turn red at the compliment, however, he only bowed and left the woo be. 

" attorney woo, you question him. " the jung tells the nervous woo. young — woo shakes her sister's shoulder as a sign of comfort and reassurance. seon — young nods with a gulp, standing up and taking the court once again. 

" ma jin — hyeong, you say the case was an accident, correct? " the said man nodded, stroking his thighs— a sign of untruthfulness. the older woo sighed, not liking the  current actions the defendant was doing, in front of her. 

" this is the criminal records we have found, your honor. " the woo took a step forward, handing the jury a large stack of files. " as written, in high school, he had beaten up one of his classmates for accidentally tripping mr. ma. and, as per doctor's diagnosis, he has intermittent explosive disorder. " seon — young stopped and turned around, " which explains his aggressive behaviour,  and also, your honor, in third year high-school, he almost killed his ex-girlfriend for fake suspicion of cheating. "  

" objection, your honor! attorney woo making things up for her own benefit! " mr. ma's lawyer shouted, angry. 

" overruled. it is clearly stated that the defendant has intermittent explosive disorder. victim's counsellor, you may continue cross examination. " the jury replied rather curtly. the attorney fell back into the now squished, and warm seat of his. 

seon — young continued, " you said you never attacked, because the incident was on broad daytime, correct? " 

" yes, " jin — hyeong replied, nodding. the woo sucked in a breath, and exhales with a sigh. " you say the incident was on broad daylight, however, the victim claims it was 9:00 pm. the cctv footage also proves the victim's statement. " seon — young turned around, however, a fuming ma jin — hyeong grabs a tight fistful of her hair. 

" DON'T TWIST MY WORDS YOU F[]CKING B[]TCH! " he slapped her cheek hard, causing the said girl to fall and loose her balance, her cheek now red. two police men pulled the screaming man away, while lee jun — ho ran rapidly to the shocked woo. 

" attorney woo! " jun — ho hugged her tightly, and as response, she fisted his polo shirt's arm in her hands. " j — jun — ho. jun — ho, " tears flow out of her eyes as she sobs quietly into jun — ho's shoulder. 


thank you for reading this chapter. I haven't updated in a long while cuz of pouring tasks from school. *sighs * anyways, enjoy this! i have a oneshot book of multi-kdramas and no one's requesting so i can't write anything. so check it out and request something . . .  i beg you! 


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