chapter 4

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I ran towards the elevator and pressed the button to open, I was waiting for it to open when I heard Ivor's voice from behind me.

"Baby please listen to me..." But thankfully lift doors opened and I stepped in closing the door behind me, as he was about to enter I glared at him hard and yelled.

"No" he stopped in his track as the door closed on him. Only then I realized I am crying, it would be a lie if I said it didn't hurt. Yes inside my heart I wanted this to end but only today I decided I would give it a chance but what hurts me is that my two best friends cheated on me. Ivor never listened to me when I tried to break off our engagement and Taylor... she would always convince me to give him a chance!

I just can't believe that happened, I just can't! The doors opened and is stepped out. I was on the first floor, from the glass walls of cafeteria Daryl saw me he waved at me but when he saw my crying self he ran towards me. I don't want anyone to see me right now so I turn towards the exit but was stopped by an arm. I turned around and the sight of him infuriated me to no end. I jerked my hand away as if his touch burns me.

"Celeste love please let me explain..." Ivor started again and I really wanted to cry right now.

"It's not what it looks like ... we were just talking... she is nothing. You never let me touch you. A man has needs..." He huffed and that was it for me. He was blaming me for his actions. I didn't realize what I did until I heard gasps around me and a sting in my right hand. Ivor was clutching his cheek and I am sure I have left an handprint. I looked at my hand and then at my so called engagement ring which was forced on me. I pulled it off of my finger and threw it to him.

"Save it" I yelled and then I was out of the door and towards the parking lot. When I reached towards my car I realized my things are in my office so is the car key. I leaned on my car as I contemplated whether to go in or just take cab but I don't have my money with me either.

"Looking for this" a voice said from behind as I turn around I see Daryl with my bag. I mentally sighed.

"Thank you" I said as I took the bag from his hand. I looked for my car key and was about to step in when he stopped me.

"What you did back there..." He started seriously.

"That was so hot...." He said fanning his face, I know he is doing thus to cheer me and for a moment I felt my lips quirk up but then I remembered what happened back there and I turned serious again.

"That piece of shit deserves a good beating..." Daryl was cursing both him and Taylor. I remembered how he always warned me off of Taylor. Now I realized what he was talking about.

"Thank you Daryl, thank you for being a friend. You were always a good company" I smiled at him.

"Why do I feel like it's a goodbye?" He asked me skeptically.

"Because it is!" I sighed.

"I am not coming back there ever again" I told him firmly. I don't want to see both of them, I might be kind and sweet but cross me once and I won't forget. I forgive but don't forget, I don't give second chances to those who do me bad. Because I believe that first time it's them who chose to do you bad but the second time it's you who let them do you bad!

"Okay, I will miss you. In few days I will be done from here too and I want us to be friends" he said and I nodded at him as he hugged me, I hugged him back because I needed this hug right now. When he stepped back his usual teasing grin was back.

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