chapter 14

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We walked for about 20 minutes until we reached near a stream. The water was so clear with small fishes swimming around. They were so colorful and so beautiful, for a moment I was so mesmerised bt their beauty until a voice brings me back.

"I am going to turn into my wolf... once I am in my wolf form I won't be in control. I will be their but in the back, just remember that he won't hurt you because you are our mate" Alpha informed me.

"What's his name?" I asked but then felt stupid for asking, I mean it's technically him so they would share the name too.

"His name is Alvan, together we are Atticus Alvan Cornelius" he told me with a small grin that was barely there.

"Okay" I nodded, I like their names. It makes me giddy, I have never said his name out loud too scared to call him by his name. Everyone calls him Alpha or Alpha king so I am not sure if I am allowed to use his name. I watch him hiding behind the tree, I think he is going to change into his wolf. I looked at the stream and the butterflies that were fluttering around me, they also had unique colors. It's like everything here is the better or more advanced version of what's in my world back there.

Just as I was in my thoughts I heard painful voices of bones breaking. The cracking and popping sound. It's like all bones are breaking and I felt sick hearing those sounds. I shuddered in fear and for some reasons I could feel the pain of breaking bones but not that much just a faint pain. Is it because of the mate bond? Cassandra does told me that mates can feel each other's pain too and it intensifies once they complete their mate bond. Maybe that's the reason the pain is faint... but what will happen when we will complete the mate bond. Would I have to go through the pain?

Then I heard footsteps and snapping of twigs, I turned around to see a big black wolf few inches taller than me even in my standing form. He looked lethal yet so familiar as if he is a part of me. I don't feel scared at his sight as I was in my dream. The mere sight of me filled me with so much adoration and love towards the creature infront of me. I feel protected around him.

He stepped towards me and kneeled down so he was now almost my height. I wanted to touch him but was scared that he won't like it. But then he growled lightly and lean his head down as if wanting me to pat him. He looked so cute while doing so and I couldn't help but smile at him as I lightly caressed the top of his head, his fur was so soft under my touch and he purred at the contact which means he liked it. So it gave me some courage and I run my fingers down the scar on his eye, which started from his forehead to the cheek. It must have hurt when he got that but thankfully his eyes was saved.

I felt a pang of hurt watching the scar on his face. He closed his eyes at my touch but I felt him tense under my touch so I removed my hand and sat down infront of hum in a way that we were eye to eye. He was looking at me with those golden orbs, only those eyes reminded me that he is half human.

"Hi Alvan, I am Celeste. Its nice to meet you, I like you" I told him with a giggle at which he purred loudly and snuggled in to me forgetting that I am too small for him so I lost my balance and I fell down. He instantly took a step back when he realized what he did and looked a little worried but I laughed it away and he looked relieved at my laugh.

"You are too big, Alvan" I laughed at which he growled lightly.

"Do you want a hug?" I asked him and he nodded his head excitedly at which I jumped at him snaking my both arms around his neck as he snuggled in to mine. I must look crazy snuggling to a wolf like that but strangely enough I feel at peace doing this. I feel like I am at home finally!

After a moment I stepped away and sat down, he followed my lead and sat down beside me too close to me but I welcomed the closeness ad I rest my head on his back, his soft fur tickling my face. We both sat like this for few moments until I felt sleepy and closed my eyes.
I open my eyes when I felt my bed move but only realize a second later that it's not my bed but my mate, a Werewolf. I backed away and looked at me, be looked a little restless and when I looked around I realized it's already dark.

"Oh so sorry, I slept" I apologized as I stood up. The sun was almost gone and the air was chilly now that his warmth is gone I shivered. He growled lightly as he leaned down more on the ground and motioned towards his back. I couldn't decipher what he was saying at first but when I understood I was baffled for a moment.

"You want me to sit on your back?" I asked at which he nodded. I looked at him and then around us, it would take 20 minutes for us to go back to the Palace on foot, as i weighed my options I decided to sit on his back.

"Fine" I said as I stepped ahead and carefully sat down on his back, I clutched his fur tightly in my hands as he stood up and growled loudly as he makes a run. For a moment I was stunned but when the shock wears off I felt adrenaline rushing in my veins. I felt like I am in air as light breeze pushed around me. It was one hell of a ride that I am sure I can never forget.

In merely 10 minutes we were infront of the Palace, he sat down as I pulled myself off of him. He purred gently and only then I saw his clothes in his snout which he must have fetched once he ran through the trees and he walked behind the trees, after a moment or two he came back in his clothes in his human form. He came near me and I smiled at him lightly.

"I liked your wolf and sorry for sleeping" i apologies sheepishly. He only shrugged in return.

"It's okay but it's just that my wolf was on alert as he sensed someone around us but he could be because your were with us and he was being extra careful" he told me.

"But isn't the castle surrounded by strong walls and guards around the area" I asked him.

"Yes but it's better to be careful" he said and then pointed me to got inside. I nodded and we walked inside side by side. Today was a very good day, I really enjoyed and after so long I felt better.

As we neared his wing he opened the door for me and motioned me to step inside first and then followed me. I walked towards my room and I sense him walking behind me.

"Your dinner will be here in next 5 minutes" he said as I opened my door.

"Okay... would you eat with me? I mean .... it's just I don't like eating alone... but if you don't want " I rambled but was stopped when I saw his hard face.

"I am not hungry and just know that it was my wolf today not me" with that he opened his room door and closed behind with a loud bang. I was frozen in shock as tears run down my cheeks. How could I forget that I am not his choice... his choice was Eleanor. It's only his wolf who wanted me...!

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