Bonds Come In All Shapes

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We were still inside Dad's Susano, moving towards our destination. I noticed Sarada staring at Dad's back, suddenly i saw Lord Seventh putting his hand on Sarada's shoulder. My sister smiled at him and then looked forward, her face showing determination. Seeing this i did the same thing while grabbing her hand and squeezed it. I felt her squeezed back.

"We should be close. Naruto, sense them out." Dad said


Susano went flying down towards the hideout where our Mom is supposed to be.
Finally we landed and immediately started running towards the cave.

"So this is Shin Uchiha's hideout!" Exclaimed Sarada

"They're coming!" Dad shouted

We saw tree boys running at us that were looking exactly like the one that was with Shin. Each one of them was holding huge shurikens.

"What?! Three of them with the same face?!" Asked shocked Chocho

"These are clones!" Said the Seventh

Lord Seventh made three clones and started fighting with the boys.

"Hey, Sarada, (m/n)?!" Screamed Chocho

The boy went to attack Sarada but she easily dodged it while i jumped above him. We continued running towards the entrance of hideout.

"I'm sorry, Lord Seventh!" Started Sarada

"We're gonna go rescue Mom!" I continued after her

Me and Sarada ran inside the cave, suddenly from the ground appeared shuriken directly flying at us.

'A trap?!'

All of a sudden the shuriken disappeared in red flames. When we uncovered our faces we saw our Dad.

"Dad!" We shouted

He walked forward

"What's the matter? Let's go." He said and started walking agian, we quickly went after him.

We continued running when we saw on our right Mom collapsing.

"Mom!" We immediately went to her. We saw shurikens in her arm.

"Mom! You're hurt!" Said Sarada

Dad suddenly appeared, making us move a little and went to Mom's aid. He pulled out the shurikens and we saw them burning in black flames.

"You can heal your wounds yourself, right?" Asked her Dad

"Yes...thanks dear." Me and Sarada softly smiled at this

From behind us we heard Shin groaning, trying to move without one leg

"With that leg, you shouldn't be able to move anymore." Told him Dad while taking out his katana.
"We'll be examining you throughly back at the Leaf." He stood in front of fake Uchiha.

Out of nowhere the same boy appeared in front of Shin.

"That boy!" Exclaimed Mom

"Move. I have no qualms with you." Dad said to the boy

"I will not move. I will protect Father." We looked at him surprised.

"I'm not as soft as Naruto." Said Dad slightly moving the katana.

Me and Sarada looked at him shocked as Dad rised his sword to attack him

"Stop it, Dad!" We screamed at him and we saw our Dad stop. However the thing that stopped him was the Shin's arm made of weapons, pierced through Dad.

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