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We were slowly walking back after our encounter with Mr. Ao and a man named Koji Kashin. I was staring worriedly at Boruto after seeing him using this weird sign on his hand. Boruto must have sensed me looking at him cause i saw him turn towards me. He send me a soft smile, trying reassure me. Still it didn't ease my worries.

We noticed that Mitsuki stopped and saw him staring at something. We looked to see a place a little destroyed.

'It looks like someone battled here.'

"Did something happened here?" Asked Mitsuki and with that he jumped away to see.

"Wait! Mitsuki!" Shouted Boruto and followed him.

"H-hey! Wait!" I said and quickly went after them.

"Hold on! (M/n)!" I heard my sister behind me.

„Hey, what's up?" Boruto asked Mitsuki as I landed next to them.

"Those things..." we looked at what Mitsuki was staring at and we saw a couple of destroyed puppets laying on the ground.

"Hey! Those are...Puppets! Like the ones we fought by the airship!" Exclaimed Boruto.

"You're right." I heard my sister from behind us as she, Konohamaru Sensei and Mr. Katasuke were walking towards us.

"But what are they doing here?" I asked.

"Yeah, weren't they protecting what was inside the container?" My sister continued.

"The crash site is farther off. They seem different from the ones we fought." Said Mitsuki.

"What's going on?" Boruto looked at Mitsuki while moving a little closer to me.

"Did someone battle these Puppets here?" Asked Konohamaru Sensei.

"Let's look around." Said Mitsuki and with that he jumped down. The rest of us followed him.

Mitsuki kneeled down next to the Puppet and laid a hand on it. "It's completely cold. Some time passed since it was destroyed."

"This Puppet's been completely wrecked. We couldn't even dent them even when we went all out!" My sister said.

"That means the person who did this...had incredible combat ability." Told us Konohamaru Sensei.

"Look. There are several other Puppets that were destroyed in the same way. But why here, a location so far from the airship?" We heard Mrs. Katasuke say.

"Maybe...whoever took the cargo ran in this direction?" Thought out loud Konohamaru Sensei.

Suddenly we heard Chamaru barking and saw him on the hill.

"Chamaru! Where were you?!" Asked Boruto.

Chamaru started barking and we went to stand next to him. I heard Boruto gasp from in front of me.

We saw the boy laying unconscious on the ground, he looked a little older.

"Someone's on the ground!" I heard Boruto say.

"There's a Puppet next to him." My sister added.

"Is he the one who wrecked those Puppets?" Boruto asked and Chamaru barked again.

"Based on Chamaru's reaction, he's still alive." Said Mr. Katasuke.

"We don't know if he's a friend or foe. But we might be able get some intel on the airship or Kara from him. There's also a possibility that this is a trap." Konohamaru Sensei warned us.

"This is not the time to be saying things like that! He passed out from his injuries!" Exclaimed Boruto and with that he ran to the boy.

"Hold on, Boruto!" Shouted Konohamaru Sensei.

"B-Boruto wait!" I shouted after him and quickly followed him.

"(M/n) wait!" Sarada screamed after me.

"Hey are you alright?!" I heard Boruto ask the boy as he kneeled next to him.
"Pull yourself-" Boruto stopped talking as we noticed the same mark as Boruto's on the boys hand.


"He's got the same mark as me?! What's going on?"


Is he?"

Two Different Worlds Boruto x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now