Himawari's Birthday

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After this, the new team 7 did a few missions together and before I knew it we were now signing up for Chunin Exams. Currently me, Sarada and Mitsuki were looking for Boruto so he can fill his application. Finally we find him in Flash Burger with Inojin and Shikadai where they were playing games.

"So you're an expert at video games too?" Asked Mitsuki as he moved the application towards Boruto. "I brought the applications." He said and laid it down on the table.

"Look, Mitsuki. I already told you i'm not going to enter." Boruto told him.

"Oh, is that right?" Asked Inojin

"I see."

"Damn it. Are you still saying stuff like that?" Shikadai also asked him.

"If that's how you feel, it doesn't matter to me anyway...but are sure you're all right with that?" Asked him Mitsuki

"Of course, it's not okay!" Said Sarada and grabbed Boruto by his collar.

"S-sarada!" I said surprised by this sudden action.

"My brother was worried, so I came here with him, and what do i hear you say?! We can't rely on Mitsuki! Listen, Boruto! My dream is to become the Hokage!" Told him Sarada. We saw Boruto pushing her hand off of him.

"I know that!"

"I can't waste time being a genin. I'm going to pass the Exams as soon as possible." My sister told him.

"Like it's gonna be so easy." We heard Inojin say.

"Right?" Mitsuki asked him.

"What is it? Are you going to get in my way?" She asked him while I looked at him worried.

"I have no intention of doing that. You can go ahead and do whatever you want." Boruto exclaimed. I saw him looking at me but when we eye contacted, he quickly diverted his eyes away.

"Huh?! Were you even listening to the teachers? All of the members are required to take the Exams." Told him Sarada

"You can find someone else."

"It's too late at this point! There's no way i can find someone that easily!"

"She's right. Our teamwork didn't come together overnight." Said Shikadai

"I don't care."

"You've been acting so weird lately, Boruto. Why are you being so stubborn?" Asked Sarada


"Hey, Boruto." Said Mitsuki


"You just want to hear your father say you're great, more than anything...right?"

"Oh...what would you know about me?"

"I know...because you're my sun."

"So that's it...you're such a kid, Boruto" sighed Sarada

"I heard that."

"Listen, Boruto. The way you're acting is pretty uncool. Is this the real Boruto Uzumaki?" Told him my sister. "Come on, Boruto! Let's show Lord Hokage just how awesome we are in the upcoming Exams!" Boruto looked at her confused.

"It's our chance. You'll be able to show your dad and all of the spectators just how amazing you are. And i can pass the exam too!" Exclaimed Sarada.

"Me too." Added Mitsuki and I nodded.

"Pleeease. Without you we won't be able to do it." I pleaded. We saw him staring at me for a few seconds.

"I guess i have no choice!"


"Okay already...i get it. Seriously, i guess you guys just can't do anything without me. Four-man team or whatever...just leave it to me." Said Boruto as we were now walking a little behind him.

"He's so easy! You really know how to manipulate Boruto, Sarada." Said Mitsuki.

"I don't think it was thanks to me." Told him my sister and they looked at me. Finally getting what she meant, i quickly looked the other way, hiding my red cheeks.

"I can hear you!"

"A man doesn't go back on his word, right?" Said Sarada.

"Well, yeah...i could care less about being a chunin. But i'll just ace the exam and wow everyone...and make them see Boruto Uzumaki is finally here!" Told us Boruto as he suddenly stopped and turned around towards us.

"Big Brother!" We heard from behind him and saw Himawari and Boruto's mom.

"Oh, Hima!"

"Hey, Himawari!" He said to her before he turned to us again.

"But before that, there's something important i have to do..." he stared saying

"Huh?" We looked at him shocked

"It's a man-to-man promise." He told us and then left with his mom and sister.

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